A tale of two football programs...

Winning down the stretch would put us at 9-4. It's not implausible that could happen. You and others on here also seem to think that losing 6...count them 6 3 year starters shouldn't be anything more than a speed bump on the road to a Big 10 title. Whose head is really in the sand?

I guess we'll see what our record is when the dust settles. I'm just wondering what your excuse is going to be next year. We lose 7 seniors on D, as well as 4 players from our high octane (joke intended) offense. And then the year after that we are going to lose players too. You're right, we lost some 3 year starters...they were so helpful to our success last year in the BIG when we finished 4-4. Just funny, our fans are the only ones who want to talk about what we've lost...good programs don't do this.

Oh yeah, and I don't expect a BIG title every year like others here. I just expect that my team doesn't embarass itself by losing to teams like NW, ISU, and MN year in and year out.
Haha. We had the LEAST RETURNING STARTERS IN THE B1G this year and still have a legit shot at going 8-4 and to a good bowl game.

What were you expecting this year with what we had coming back?
There in lies the problem. We did lose a lot of talent and experience and KF keeps the same limited offense. It was very apparent early in the season with the loss to ISU and the Pitt game that using a very limited run based offense was going to be a mediocre year unless he opened it up multiple formations. I love KF, he has so many wonderful attributes and player development is the best in the country but he is absolutely the worst at evaluating the teams capabilities and making the adjustments. It is like going into a fight with one arm tied behind your back. KF's conservatism has been costing us two losses a year. Scoring 4 touchdowns on Pitt in 18 minutes and then scrapping is just plain stupid. We have the quarterback and the recievers to run this offense and you can still run Coker off those 3 and 4 reciever sets.
I guess we'll see what our record is when the dust settles. I'm just wondering what your excuse is going to be next year. We lose 7 seniors on D, as well as 4 players from our high octane (joke intended) offense. And then the year after that we are going to lose players too. You're right, we lost some 3 year starters...they were so helpful to our success last year in the BIG when we finished 4-4. Just funny, our fans are the only ones who want to talk about what we've lost...good programs don't do this.

Oh yeah, and I don't expect a BIG title every year like others here. I just expect that my team doesn't embarass itself by losing to teams like NW, ISU, and MN year in and year out.

The defense has nowhere to go but up.
There in lies the problem. We did lose a lot of talent and experience and KF keeps the same limited offense. It was very apparent early in the season with the loss to ISU and the Pitt game that using a very limited run based offense was going to be a mediocre year unless he opened it up multiple formations. I love KF, he has so many wonderful attributes and player development is the best in the country but he is absolutely the worst at evaluating the teams capabilities and making the adjustments. It is like going into a fight with one arm tied behind your back. KF's conservatism has been costing us two losses a year. Scoring 4 touchdowns on Pitt in 18 minutes and then scrapping is just plain stupid. We have the quarterback and the recievers to run this offense and you can still run Coker off those 3 and 4 reciever sets.

Limited offense? Vandy has attempted 29.3 passes per game and has thrown for an average of 235.1 yards per game so far this season. In 2004 Tate threw 31.2 passes per game for 232.2 yards per game.

We also have the 2nd leading rusher in the conference this year so I dont know what you are expecting as far as a run/pass ratio.

Another thing to consider in how "conservative" KF has been is how awful Vandy has looked at times this year on the road.

And are you saying that without KF we would have went 10-2 in 2008, 12-0 in 2009 and 9-3 last year? That is ridiculous.
Yes and we were a Sr strong team last year and ended 7-5. I really don't think everyone (including myself) has gotten over last years epic failure and we would like to see more. Is that asking too much? So the argument of having a young team this year isn't sufficient enough to spell the loses and bad coaching to date. At this point its not if, its he had better win the last two!

Yeah...because it's terrible to want your program to succeed. How dare you criticize Iowa football and want them to do really well. You're a joke
Haha. We had the LEAST RETURNING STARTERS IN THE B1G this year and still have a legit shot at going 8-4 and to a good bowl game. What were you expecting this year with what we had coming back?
Jeebus people, enough with the jealousy. I'm starting to think ISU isn't the school with the little brother syndrom.

Wasn't it just two years ago that Iowa beat the #5 team on the road? Or 3 years ago Iowa had a similar game and beat the #3 team at home? Wasn't it just two years ago that Iowa went to the Orange Bowl and finished #7 in the nation? Wasn't it just last year that Iowa dominated the #5 team in the country 37-6, to hand them their only loss of the regular season?

Get a grip. Holy ****.

You know what....you're right. Iowa's football future looks bright. Things are going great...we have an innovative coach with a highly motivated staff. The Hawks are always well prepared and Kirk makes all the necessary in-game changes. The offense frequently throws new looks at the opponent, as does the defense, which is considered the "Bullies of the Big 10".

Everythings fine in Hawkeyeland!
You know what....you're right. Iowa's football future looks bright. Things are going great...we have an innovative coach with a highly motivated staff. The Hawks are always well prepared and Kirk makes all the necessary in-game changes. The offense frequently throws new looks at the opponent, as does the defense, which is considered the "Bullies of the Big 10".

Everythings fine in Hawkeyeland!

Thats the spirit!!!!
Iowa State's ceiling is 7 wins...we've seen this cycle before. No one will be surprised when they win 4 games next year. But somehow, they are a fast rising program!!!!
What is amazing to me is that after a big ISU win Iowa fans are 100 times more annoying about it than ISU fans. Its crazy

The tenor on this board is so annoying right now. I am fine with people questioning KF and being upset but all of the sudden we are comparing our program to ISU's? And many people are jealous of ISU?

What is amazing to me is that after a big ISU win Iowa fans are 100 times more annoying about it than ISU fans. Its crazy

The tenor on this board is so annoying right now. I am fine with people questioning KF and being upset but all of the sudden we are comparing our program to ISU's? And many people are jealous of ISU?


+1. This board has been full of doosh lately.
What is amazing to me is that after a big ISU win Iowa fans are 100 times more annoying about it than ISU fans. Its crazy

The tenor on this board is so annoying right now. I am fine with people questioning KF and being upset but all of the sudden we are comparing our program to ISU's? And many people are jealous of ISU?


+1. This board has been full of doosh lately.

No kidding. Some people can't be happy for others unless they're getting what they want at the same time.

You know what they say, misery loves company, and since Iowa's season has been pretty average to this point, people can't stand somebody else having some fun.
Iowa State's ceiling is 7 wins...we've seen this cycle before. No one will be surprised when they win 4 games next year. But somehow, they are a fast rising program!!!!

Are you sure the 7 win ceiling is Iowa State's...sounds more like Iowa's for this and the next couple of years.

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