A question for Fran


Well-Known Member
Question for Jon or radio show callers to pose to Fran:

As fans, many of us throw up in our mouths when we see Ed Hightower or Ted Valentine or a few other well-known officials take the floor for Iowa games. Based on experience, we know the game generally is not going to go well for Iowa.

As a coach, you're not allowed to say much about the officiating. But when you learn who has been assigned to work an Iowa game, do you discuss it with your assistants and your players? For example, do you let them know that official X is more likely to call hand-checks than other officials? Or that official Y is quicker with the whistle on dissent, or contact under the basket? How does your familiarity with the officiating crew affect your game preparation?
I don't agree about Hightower. He is just fine if you have a good crowd and are playing at home. He is the ultimate homer, no question about it.
Completely disagree on Hightower. When Kansas and Memphis played in the NC game a few years ago, it was clear cut that KU was going to win the game. He is the ultimate homer for the team that has tradition, if it is a game where tradition is equal, it is who has been better more recently.
Just start watching games that he refs and start predicting games based on that and you will see. It is not a wonder that he doesn't do big time games until the NCAA tournament, which makes me shake my head. He is well past his prime and needs to step away.
The one thing you can count on with Hightower is that in a close game during crunch time just when the game has a good eb and flow to it, he will make some absurdly ticky tack call from the other end of the court.

He will sprint across the court waving his arms in an exaggerated motion to make said call.

It happens with out fail.

He also never misses an opportunity to huddle the players up and tell them to cool it over what is usually nothing.
FWIW I believe Ed Hightower is one of the most well respected officials in the nation.....maybe not from fans point of view, but...
Whether or not it came across, I really didn't mean this as an Ed Hightower, Ted Valentine-bashing thread. They can accomplish that all by themselves.

I would be interested to know whether the staff/players alter their strategy/play based on the composition of the officiating crew.
Whether or not it came across, I really didn't mean this as an Ed Hightower, Ted Valentine-bashing thread. They can accomplish that all by themselves.

I would be interested to know whether the staff/players alter their strategy/play based on the composition of the officiating crew.
Its a good question. Personally, I hope coaches NEVER talk about officiating before games. Maybe they mention it during a game if it starts to have that feeling, but if your focus in on officiating you've got the wrong frame of mind. All officials have bad games, but they wouldn't be doing it if they were truly that bad.
FWIW the officials working the conference tourney and ncaa tourney games are doing so because coaches want them there.
FWIW I believe Ed Hightower is one of the most well respected officials in the nation.....maybe not from fans point of view, but...

This guy is only respected by the TV talking heads. The fans,coaches, and players all know what a show boat he is by making calls from clear across the court and trying to over rule other officials calls when they had a better view of the play than he did. It gets old when you see this same thing game after game.
Question for Jon or radio show callers to pose to Fran:

As fans, many of us throw up in our mouths when we see Ed Hightower or Ted Valentine or a few other well-known officials take the floor for Iowa games. Based on experience, we know the game generally is not going to go well for Iowa.

As a coach, you're not allowed to say much about the officiating. But when you learn who has been assigned to work an Iowa game, do you discuss it with your assistants and your players? For example, do you let them know that official X is more likely to call hand-checks than other officials? Or that official Y is quicker with the whistle on dissent, or contact under the basket? How does your familiarity with the officiating crew affect your game preparation?

they should and i would be surprised if they didnt. Fran is known for his meticulous scouting reports. its part of the reason i was frustrated by the UNI game...hes had Higgins numerous times before but we looked like we were not prepared for the way he calls a game.
Given what we've heard about the detailed scouting reports Coach McCaffery provides the players, it seems as though every possible stone is overturned and I suspect that would include the refs as well.
I am more concerned about McCaffrey keeping a list of the refs who have T'd him up. He may want to go on a Diet Coke fast before games with the UNI ref.
It was not asked this way, but Fran answered it (unfortunately after one of the worst losses in Iowa basketball history):

BTW, did anyone notice Fran punch Speraw in the gut while berating the stripes after the T? I LOL'd.

From Fran's 1-12-2011 presser:

Q. *One thing that was interesting is after talking to Aaron White the officials were allowing a lot to go on and you guys didn't take advantage of that the way Michigan State did.
​COACH McCAFFERY: *That's exactly what happened. *Aaron’s a very bright, very astute player. *I don't think it's easy sometimes to realize that as it's going on. *You sort of think that they would. *That's my job to make sure that they do. *So at the front end we prepare them for it, then as it's going on, deal with it.
​We weren't dealing with it. *We addressed it. *We talked about it, and then it was time to take care of it, and we didn't take care of it. *That won't happen. *Not on any team I coach, that's not going to happen. *I'm telling you right now. *It will not happen.
​Q. *So like they were bullying you and you weren't fighting back?
​COACH McCAFFERY: *I don't know if it was that. *It was physical: *Two hands on you when you're trying to cut, those kinds of things. *Well, we've all seen it. *Some games are reffed tighter than others. *Well, that wasn't.
​So it's time for us to then adjust and do the same things. *I don't think they would have called it against us either. *I don't think it was an unfair thing. *I'm not saying that at all. *Not at all. *You have to make sure, okay, this one's getting called tight, this one's getting called loose.
​Q. *Was it fair to say though your team needs to be tougher?
​COACH McCAFFERY: *We needed to be tougher that night. *I think we have gotten tougher. *We've been tougher, but we weren't tougher that night.

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