A message from Nebraska's Chancellor to Hawk Fans...

I respectfully disagree. Nebraska was the only B12 school other than Texa$ that fits the Big Ten mold financially, athletically, and academically.

Also...adding them did make the Big Ten better. We added a high-profile school to the oldest, richest conference in the country.

I, for one, am excited to add the Huskers as a conference rival.

As a Husker fan, thank you for the comments. I've been lurking on many Big 10 message boards since the announcement 2 weeks ago and all Big 10 fans have been very classy and gracious in welcoming Nebraska into their conference family.

I'm very exicted about Nebraska joining the Big 10 and looking forward to developing new rivarlies, meeting fans of other Big 10 schools and super exicted about playing Iowa every year.

Best of luck to Iowa football this fall.
I have been to four games in Lincoln and their fans love the Huskers. However, I believe him when he says that visiting teams and fans are treated well. When Oklahoma played in Lincoln I wore a sooner jersey and didn't receive crap from anyone, which is suprising since I wore the sooner jersey just to annoy their fans. When we play in Lincoln make sure you check out a bar called Side Tracks which is a sing along bar. Good times.
I honestly think that the people that think this letter comes off as arrogant are just looking for another reason to hate Nebraska. It was a nice gesture.

I don't need another reason to hate nebraska. I have hated them since living in Western Iowa during their glory years. You people that have a hard on for them are obviously not from west of Des Moines. And if you can think clearly enough, and logically, you will realize that we will be beat by them at some point in time. Then, you will see what many of us have been talking about. It will be an experience like no other you have ever experienced....or witnessed.
maybe...just maybe...you need to look in the mirror and think about how you treat them and how you act around them. perhaps you will notice a little bit of you in them
I don't need another reason to hate nebraska. I have hated them since living in Western Iowa during their glory years. You people that have a hard on for them are obviously not from west of Des Moines. And if you can think clearly enough, and logically, you will realize that we will be beat by them at some point in time. Then, you will see what many of us have been talking about. It will be an experience like no other you have ever experienced....or witnessed.

What does that have to do with the letter?

For the record, if Iowa had the history of Nebraska, we would be just as arrogant (some say we already are).
There is much being written about conference realignment — that it is about money, about ego, or about power. I don’t believe these motivations drive the Big Ten universities and it certainly didn’t drive our decision.

I used to think that Nebraska fans were arrogant. I still think they are to some extent but I think they also realize that their football team is never going to dominate like it used to. I sincerely hope they realize that they have entered a conference of peers with no one institution perpetually lagging behind.

I REALLY want to beat these guys.
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I like the letter. Classy move.

Two points on academics. Nebraska's research funding has been moving steadily upward and is already comparable to Iowa's per the National Science Foundation yearly report. This is a crucial measure, as the ability to land grant money correlates strongly (not perfectly, but strongly) with the quality of the programs and professors applying.

Second, Warren Buffett is currently a big story within the Nebraska community, as he has made clear that UNL will be receiving billions - with a b - in coming years from him and other Berkshire founders. An internal meeting was actually convened where the president asked "in what areas do we want UNL to become world class, if money were no object?"

It is very good timing to add Nebraska to the Big Ten.
Second, Warren Buffett is currently a big story within the Nebraska community, as he has made clear that UNL will be receiving billions - with a b - in coming years from him and other Berkshire founders. An internal meeting was actually convened where the president asked "in what areas do we want UNL to become world class, if money were no object?"

It is very good timing to add Nebraska to the Big Ten.

Cha-Ching...pun intended.
I think his mention of the "upward trend" in academics at Nebraska is key to their move into the Big Ten.

Since I began my career in medical sales 20 years ago, I've worked with a number of Universities in the Midwest. Nebraska wasn't thought of too highly.

That has gradually changed over time. Joining the Big Ten is a significant statement for the University, something that goes far beyond the football field. You can bet the faculty in Lincoln is very pleased by this move.

That's the question I've had since this happened. I am no expert on the academic reputation of different universities.

But I know that a few months ago when all this talk was first starting people on here were talking about how they wouldn't fit academically. Somebody even said that if you live in Nebraska you can go there no matter what..I assumed that isn't true.

So, basically, were those people saying that about Nebraska full of crap?
maybe...just maybe...you need to look in the mirror and think about how you treat them and how you act around them. perhaps you will notice a little bit of you in them

Nope.....You haven't a clue. I am not one to outwardly show vindictiveness toward a general populace that is aimed at an individual group of people. Maybe that would make it easier. I'm just not made that way. So I just take it.
You know what I read in your response, H8IAST8?

It sounds to me like you know what ISU feels like when it comes to their rivalry with Iowa. You feel like the little brother that is being slighted by big brother Nebraska. You are insecure with Iowa's place and with Nebraska coming in you are worried about them being better than us.

Are you going to have to change your name to H8Nebby, or what?

As far as I can see, anyone that reads into that letter what you are reading into it is doing so because of their own preconceived ideas about Nebraska. I really didn't see anything negative in that letter at all, and I am not a Corn Husker fan by any stretch of the imagination. Now, they might feel the way that you describe. But I don't think you can say that by looking at that letter.

Some of you guys have a complex. You're probably the same people that were hoping ISU would get shut out of a major conference too. That is something that would definitely have had a negative impact on the state of Iowa from an economic and educational perspective. But those of you that felt that way really didn't care about that, either, I suppose.
I don't need another reason to hate nebraska. I have hated them since living in Western Iowa during their glory years. You people that have a hard on for them are obviously not from west of Des Moines. And if you can think clearly enough, and logically, you will realize that we will be beat by them at some point in time. Then, you will see what many of us have been talking about. It will be an experience like no other you have ever experienced....or witnessed.

I'm a third generation Hawkeye who grew up in SW Iowa and Omaha (the belly of the beast ;)). I'm excited about Nebraska joining.

It will be a very evenly matched rivalry, IMO, which will feed into the mutual respect that I've already seen a lot of between the two fan bases.
I don't need another reason to hate nebraska. I have hated them since living in Western Iowa during their glory years. You people that have a hard on for them are obviously not from west of Des Moines. And if you can think clearly enough, and logically, you will realize that we will be beat by them at some point in time. Then, you will see what many of us have been talking about. It will be an experience like no other you have ever experienced....or witnessed.

That's the key. Most of these people have not been around them enough to know what they're like. It's not going to be fun. There are also alot of traitors in W. Iowa who simply jumped on the bandwagon when the getting was good.
That's the key. Most of these people have not been around them enough to know what they're like. It's not going to be fun. There are also alot of traitors in W. Iowa who simply jumped on the bandwagon when the getting was good.

Regrettably, their very presence has fractured our fan base.....temporarily at least. I was brought up to show class when playing sports. That extends to following it. Those fans, for any school or team, that are classless, in winning or losing, and in unl's case winning, had very poor upbringing. It has nothing to do with how you feel inside....it's about how you conduct yourself outwardly. You have never, nor will you ever see me talking smack, or making the losing team or fans feel worse. I do, however, have such contempt for that program, I hope inwardly that they lose every game they play....preferably by 70 or more points. Like they used to relish in back in their relatively short period of dominance.