A message from Nebraska's Chancellor to Hawk Fans...


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Pretty classy if you ask me...

NU Chancellor Harvey Perlman pens a guest column in the U of Iowa student newspaper


Huskers more than happy to join the Big Ten


The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is proud to be the newest member of the storied Big Ten. As we get to know one another better in the next year or so, I’m confident you’ll find that Nebraska is a natural fit with the Big Ten in terms of culture, athletics, and academics.

Most of you are certainly familiar with the athletics program. Whether it is football or volleyball, wrestling or women’s soccer, all of our teams pride themselves on competing hard and in honoring the traditions their predecessors have worked to establish.

We look forward to the start of athletics competition in 2011 and especially to our “away†games in your venues. You will find our fans passionate and friendly and willing to follow our teams wherever they may go. It’s a safe bet that you will be seeing a lot of Husker red.

We’re eager to host many of you when you visit our campus, as well. We’ve been told that a football game at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln is one of the best experiences in all of intercollegiate athletics, thanks to a potent combination of school spirit and sportsmanship. Hawkeye fans — like all visitors to our athletics events — will be treated well.

The opportunity to join the Big Ten was open to us because of the historic strength of our athletics program and the strong upward trend of our academic programs.

Our university is poised to enhance its research and other academic collaborations with its new colleagues. As a member of the Association of American Universities, we share academic credentials and core values with our new conference family. We have for years compared our academic standing with our friends in the Big Ten; the nine-member peer group assigned to Nebraska by our Board of Regents contains five Big Ten schools, including the University of Iowa.

The research mission of our universities is critical to strengthening our economy and our security in the years ahead. Collaboration among faculty and among institutions is essential if we are to find solutions that are productive and enduring.

We already have many faculty ties to the Big Ten; more than 300 of our faculty members earned their highest degrees from a Big Ten institution. And we enjoy a number of ongoing collaborations with some Big Ten universities, from digital humanities to transportation engineering to interdisciplinary research involving environmental change in Antarctica. We hope for an expanded agenda in the years to come.

There is much being written about conference realignment — that it is about money, about ego, or about power. I don’t believe these motivations drive the Big Ten universities and it certainly didn’t drive our decision.

We are joining you because we believe we share your values and culture, your traditions, your respect for athletics competition and your ambitions for the academic enterprise.

We will enter the Big Ten knowledgeable and respectful of your traditions and accomplishments. We look forward to contributing to them, both in athletics and academics in the years ahead. And I can assure you our teams will compete. Go Hawks! Go Huskers!

Harvey Perlman is the chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a member of the Board of Directors of the NCAA, and the chairman of the Bowl Championship Series Presidential Oversight Committee.
Good gesture. I hope that Iowa fans can be classy as well. It is well known that Iowa is one of the toughest tickets on the Big Ten road, especially for travelling fans. I hope that when Big Red comes to town, the rivalry can be competitive, but not vicious. I fear the latter. I hope that the d-bags on both sides class it up. If not, we'll hear some bad press in the future. Stay classy Hawk fans, you'll appreciate the respect in return!
Dear Iowa Fans, Nebraska is the best and we are gald to be in the Big Ten.....That's how i read it.
You have to respect him for basically telling Texas and the Big 12 to go **** up a rope by joining the Big 10. I liked him while watching the Nebraska presser on the BTN. Most guys would have laughed out loud in the face of that idiot reporterette who asked him if joining the Big 10 helped Nebraska's chances of hosting a bowl game. He handled that very well and showed a lot of class.
if i had to guess, i'd say that was a general letter he wrote to all the big 10 schools, and you subbed your schools name in where it applied.

either way, pretty classy of him and it should be fun
Dear Iowa Fans, Nebraska is the best and we are gald to be in the Big Ten.....That's how i read it.


Dear Iowa, the Big Ten is lucky to have Nebraska's tradition of winning, and we look forward to beating you.
I think he's just trying to point out that they belong. Like the new kid at school trying to fit in with the cool kids

They do belong, Nebraska was probably the most "big 10" of any school in the Big 12, what with their instistence of using the run to set up the pass and playing defense, concepts that are foreign to many teams in the Big 12.

The way it was worded, I'm willing to bet that it was in every student newspaper in the conference. Nice move.
It was a nice gesture and I'm sure every school in the conference received one...it didn't come off as arrogant or cocky at all...as has been said, it sounded like he was just giving out the school's resume` even though they already got the job.

Dear Iowa, the Big Ten is lucky to have Nebraska's tradition of winning, and we look forward to beating you.

+1. I find no class in the rhetoric, and agree it is a slightly less-than-subtle reminder of how much better unl makes the B10. If any school belonged in the B10 from that conference, it was KS in my opinion.
Actions speak louder than words!!! Lets just let it be settled on the field of battle. We aren't going to be beat them on this board or any other, so just have faith in our athletic department to put the better product on the field.
+1. I find no class in the rhetoric, and agree it is a slightly less-than-subtle reminder of how much better unl makes the B10. If any school belonged in the B10 from that conference, it was KS in my opinion.

I respectfully disagree. Nebraska was the only B12 school other than Texa$ that fits the Big Ten mold financially, athletically, and academically.

Also...adding them did make the Big Ten better. We added a high-profile school to the oldest, richest conference in the country.

I, for one, am excited to add the Huskers as a conference rival.
I think his mention of the "upward trend" in academics at Nebraska is key to their move into the Big Ten.

Since I began my career in medical sales 20 years ago, I've worked with a number of Universities in the Midwest. Nebraska wasn't thought of too highly.

That has gradually changed over time. Joining the Big Ten is a significant statement for the University, something that goes far beyond the football field. You can bet the faculty in Lincoln is very pleased by this move.
I honestly think that the people that think this letter comes off as arrogant are just looking for another reason to hate Nebraska. It was a nice gesture.
I honestly think that the people that think this letter comes off as arrogant are just looking for another reason to hate Nebraska. It was a nice gesture.
I agree with you. When I lived in Omaha, and was starting to look at schools, academically, UNL was really not highly perceived in that regard. It was viewed as major university for local kids that couldn't afford out-of-state tuition and football players. From what I hear now from my friends back there, it's on a huge upswing.
I believe the "upward swing" in UNL academics is a myth. Unless there are plans for UNL magically acquire UNMC I do not see them ever being able to blend in with conference prestige.

My UNL friends always claim Nebraska has a strong business program... well according to USNews their business program is poop. Their health sciences are not strong, law school is tier 3, and to my knowledge their engineering (except construction management, if that is engineering) and technology leaves a lot to be desired (although I think these areas can improve).

Sure, they are adding a research park, but welcome to UIowa and Iastate in 1980.

Nebraska is a good institution, and they do improve the overall profile athletically.... they do not add much academically; and IMO never will.
I think he's just trying to point out that they belong. Like the new kid at school trying to fit in with the cool kids

Nebby has always belonged in the B10! This should have happened a long, long time ago. For it to have taken this long is mind baffling to me. I have always wanted Nebby in the conference and I am happy that they are in it now. People underestimate the influence it will add to our already prestigious conference. Plus we get to prove to them that things aren't the same anymore. IMO Nebby should have been in the B10 long before PSU ever was...I'm glad they both are in it now of course.
It was a nice gesture, but I am pretty sure that there is a version of this letter in every Big Ten newspaper right now. That's okay, at least they seem to happy to be part of the Big Ten12eleven or whatever we are now.

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