
I was down in Texas for a bit in 120 degree weather and it felt fantastic compared to about 90 and a 100 percent humdity here in Iowa. lol Arizona fans are making such a big deal about the temperature, but I would take dry heat over what we have here any day. :)
I agree. I lived in Texas for a short time once. I remember being outside in May and thinking "hmmm starting to get hot out here" and then finding out it was already 110. As the saying goes; it's not the heat.....Even here in Minnesota the humidity is awful in the summer.

Still hope the guys are ready for it.
I live in scottsdale now and I find it much easier to workout outside here than in Iowa. It's much easier to breathe.
I have been to AZ many times and when it is 50% humidity there people are complaining. The term dry heat may get over used but it is the truth. I have golfed in AZ in over 100 degree heat and felt fine. Best thing was we were the only ones on the course. Now 100 degree heat, dry or not ,in full pads, that may be a different story.
Saturday Temp at 11am...Temp at 3:15pm...Temp at 5:30pm...Temp at Kickoff.

The rough part will be the 100 degree heat at the 6:15pm mark when the Hawks start to do their unit drills and full-speed team run-throughs.

After being in Phoenix and playing golf in 112 degree weather, I can assure you 103 at 6:15PM will have no affect on the team. Also, kick-off temp is going to be low 80"s and falling so it should be perfect weather for the game. I have been going to Phoenix for 20 years and it is hot, but the evenings can be very nice even in the dead of summer.
Get over this heat talk... The team will be more than ready. All this talk about heat is overrated and with the end of the 1st quarter it will be perfect football weather. I trained at Fort Huachuca which is about an hour and a half from Tucson, South and I had no issues in the dead of summer with Army gear on. Granted it was hot, but I wasn't wanting to kill myself from the weight of the humidity... Kirk will have them prepared.
This is getting ridiculous dry heat boys...dry heat. The ONLY thing to worry about is hydration and they have been hydrating these guys all week. The players will love the low humidity.
These Catz fans act like Iowans don't know what heat is... My relatives that live in Tucson can't stand coming to IA in the summer, as the humidity is terrible. I'll tell you what though, If we were going down to Gainsville or tampa at this time of the year....now THATS heat. It is just WAY too humid in FLA.
Two a days, and normal practice through August is tougher than the heat will be on game day. The heat won't affect these guys one bit.
I’m guessing heat index field conditions will be around 125 degrees. The weather channel failed to realize that a major gravitational heat source called Adrian Clayborn will be in town.
The dry heat makes a huge difference. During the dog days this past summer when it was over 100 with the heat index, I took the family to California. The daily temps there were over 100 but no humidity. We spent a ton of time outside doing things. No way we would/could have done that in Iowa.

Kirk will have them prepared!
Hey Slimcat,

Do you know what "Dewpoint" is? Have you ever encountered a region where the dewpoint is 75 or above. The meteorologist around here call it, "air you can wear" because when you're outside the air is heavy and you will sweat buckets just being outside. It also makes it much harder to breathe. The dewpoint in Iowa reached 82 back in August.

The only thing that makes Arizona heat tough is sun beating down on you at the peak point in the afternoon. I'm sorry my friend, but the sun will not be an issue in this game. The temp at kickoff will be somewhere around 90 degrees of dry air. That will make for perfect football weather.
Having lived in AZ I personally don't think the heat is that bad, but its different for everyone. My brother came down in July one year and at the time we lived on in a town house on golf course, he decided it would be a good idea to go out for a round in 115 degree heat midday. When he came back he wanted to go home. On another occasion I flew my girlfriend from Iowa down to visit in Oct. we went to the zoo and it was about 95 degrees, she couldn't stand it. I think it might have been a little worse then because she had been so used to the cool Iowa fall weather.

If this game were any other time of the year we might have more trouble, the difference just isn't enough right now to make it a huge deal. Later on in the season it might have more affect seeing that the weather just doesn't cool off the way it does here.


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