7-5, we all know it.


Well-Known Member
Ya this is going to sound negative, but I honestly have no faith in this coaching staff. Kirk and Greg are a terrible match, and they cant decide which offense they wanna run. Your running game is actually working, but instead you decide to run passing plays that are either incomplete, sacked, or a catch that fails to reach the first down marker.

Last week I felt iowa finally found themselves, but yesterday, they play not to lose once again. So based on the trend that is going on with this team, it seems logical that we will beat Northwestern and look good doing it, but then when we go up to Minnesota, we will lose the same way we lost to ISU and Maryland, crap play calling, failure to use our best players, and a play not to lose mentality. Minnesota's Cobb is going to run all over us. 23-17 Minnesota wins.

Iowa will then beat Illinois, but by luck. And then drop the final two games in very bad fashion to end the season 7-5. Complete failure by the coaches this season. Had the easiest schedule, yet we cant capitalize on it.
Ya this is going to sound negative, but I honestly have no faith in this coaching staff. Kirk and Greg are a terrible match, and they cant decide which offense they wanna run. Your running game is actually working, but instead you decide to run passing plays that are either incomplete, sacked, or a catch that fails to reach the first down marker.

Last week I felt iowa finally found themselves, but yesterday, they play not to lose once again. So based on the trend that is going on with this team, it seems logical that we will beat Northwestern and look good doing it, but then when we go up to Minnesota, we will lose the same way we lost to ISU and Maryland, crap play calling, failure to use our best players, and a play not to lose mentality. Minnesota's Cobb is going to run all over us. 23-17 Minnesota wins.

Iowa will then beat Illinois, but by luck. And then drop the final two games in very bad fashion to end the season 7-5. Complete failure by the coaches this season. Had the easiest schedule, yet we cant capitalize on it.

Agree that 7-5 seems most likely. Disagree Cobb is going to run over Iowa. MN is a faux team having played a faux schedule up to now. Just like Iowa. They got hammered bad by the only good team they played. Had to escape lowly Purdont. Their last 4 games will deal them at least 3 losses.
I picked 8-4 before the season and now I too think 7-5. 8-4 is the ceiling.

Northwestern 60-40 chance of win (but Fitz hates us, they have enough weapons, so they have very good chance to beat us)
Minny 50-50 (Minny playing well and on the road, I think Iowa is better, but.......)
Illinois 65-35 (should win, but Illinois has a punchers chance with the way our staff calls games)
Wisconsin 55-45 chance of lose (because they own us)
Nebraska 50-50 (only because we seem to play our best ball at the end and I wonder what Nebraska's health will be like then)

So should see 2-3 more wins with 2 being the most likely. Only way this staff goes above 8 wins is if they play balls to the wall and the passing game in each game features a true vertically threat and a balance of 50% runs and 50% passing imho. Defense has to contain the edges and obviously tackle much better. Have to win the turnover battle as this team will struggle to make-up 3 score margins. I fear our place-kicking will also cost us one these games as at some point because we will have to make some of these and our kickers have not had enough "game-time" out there to do their thing. Not that I don't like Kirk going for it on 4th down, but I think he is doing this out of being risk-advert.....not being he wants to do this. It will hurt us at some point.

And this will be enough wins for administration because we will go bowling. 7 wins is that magic number of doing enough....even with this pathetic schedule...certainly not for a lot of fans....but it is enough for the administration.
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7-9 wins is right. Yesterday was a really bad. The world isn't over just yet. We had lots of performance issues. The coaching was poor but we also had turnovers and poor penalties. We will be ok. I'm not done yet.
7-9 wins is right. Yesterday was a really bad. The world isn't over just yet. We had lots of performance issues. The coaching was poor but we also had turnovers and poor penalties. We will be ok. I'm not done yet.
All true. The bold is not a certainty. What is certain is that Iowa under Ferentz is losing to teams the Hawks should not be losing to. Now this year they have looked bad in the losses and bad in a couple of wins.

The world isn't over yet but it seems like Iowa football is consistently on the horizon of world's end.
Ya this is going to sound negative, but I honestly have no faith in this coaching staff. Kirk and Greg are a terrible match, and they cant decide which offense they wanna run. Your running game is actually working, but instead you decide to run passing plays that are either incomplete, sacked, or a catch that fails to reach the first down marker.

Last week I felt iowa finally found themselves, but yesterday, they play not to lose once again. So based on the trend that is going on with this team, it seems logical that we will beat Northwestern and look good doing it, but then when we go up to Minnesota, we will lose the same way we lost to ISU and Maryland, crap play calling, failure to use our best players, and a play not to lose mentality. Minnesota's Cobb is going to run all over us. 23-17 Minnesota wins.

Iowa will then beat Illinois, but by luck. And then drop the final two games in very bad fashion to end the season 7-5. Complete failure by the coaches this season. Had the easiest schedule, yet we cant capitalize on it.

You don't sound negative, just realistic.
7-5 is probably a pretty good guess. They'll lose to Nebraska and Wisconsin and probably split with Northwestern/Minnesota. They should beat Illinois but hey, they lost to ISU at home so I guess anything is possible. I was neither surprised nor upset by the loss to Maryland yesterday, just disappointed at how badly they got whipped. Maryland was clearly the better football team. I think the only team left on their schedule that is clearly better than them is Nebraska, but I still think they'll lose at least 3 more games. The Kirk jock sniffers will be quite satisfied with 7-5 and a bid to the Uncle Bob's Chili Dog Bowl. Really a disappointment if it plays out that way because this is one of the weakest schedules I've ever seen the Hawkeyes play. 9-3 should have been no problem this year and I guess they do still have a shot at that but I won't hold my breath.
Iowa has lead in every game year, and has been within 1 score of winning each of them.With a few improvements they will turn the close losses to close wins. So I'll go 11-2.
Iowa has lead in every game year, and has been within 1 score of winning each of them.With a few improvements they will turn the close losses to close wins. So I'll go 11-2.

Will the 11th win be in a bowl or in the B10 championship game?
7-5 is the absolute floor I will accept, and I won't be very happy with that. Anything less than 7-5 and not only will I be unable to defend Ferentz, I will wholeheartedly be on board for an early buy out.

I like and respect KF, always will, and I appreciate what he's done in the past, but not winning 8-9 games with what was returning and the schedule...not OK.

Get it together, and finish Strong, please.

Then go from there. Get gauge on things. Like many I want this to end well for KF, but he is forcing Barta into the corner where he is gonna have to grow a pair. If the mass exodus is accurate in regards to guys transferring then Barta probably will not have a choice.
Just took a glance at the remaining schedule. i think they sweep the next 3 to go to 8-2 and lose the final 2 to go 8-4. If that scenario plays out things will get real interesting because if KF is the coach in 2015 it could get real ugly by the end of the 2015 season.
I can see 9-3, and I can see 6-6. It all depends on who's the QB, how our O line is playing, if our receivers keep dropping balls, etc.

I can also see this team getting frustrated and giving up if things don't change.

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