5 Reasons I'm Optimistic about Iowa Basketball


Well-Known Member
Granted there are many reasons to be down on this team, but there are just as many reasons to be hopeful.

1) This team is entertaining

Everyone hates losing, but the real reason we (should) watch sports is to be entertained. This is the most entertaining Iowa basketball team in a long time. Almost every single Big Ten game has been close. Sure we've lost most of them, but they were two hours of fun. Style of play is also clearly a factor. It's fun to watch a team that actually tries to score instead of waiting 35 seconds to toss up a poor shot like the Lickliter squads of yore.

2) This team is young

We start two freshman and a sophomore. We only have one senior. Granted, Eric May's has played well this year and has been crucial during Marble's slump. Nevertheless, we lost Jarryd Cole and Matt Gatens and improved each year. We will be significantly better next year and we're already one of the better teams in the Big Ten (record be damned). We should've beat Purdue, Wisconsin and Minnesota on the road despite the fact that our best player is injured/in a terrible slump.

3) McCaffrey can motivate players/this team plays hard

I know people have questioned some of his decisions recently, such as putting Marble in late, but he's clearly good at motivating his players The fact that this team keeps playing hard after every heartbreaking loss is a testament to our Coach. The technical he got in the Wisconsin game worked wonders. I'm not sure whether to credit the coach or the players (both deserve credit), but we keep putting it out there every game. Our rebounding has been phenomenal the last few games.

4) Defense Defense Defense

I think after last year many of us were convinced that McCaffrey was not a good defensive coach. Sure his teams ran and scored a lot of points but they couldn't defend. It seems more likely that he just didn't have the players at the time to execute his schemes. Iowa has been excellent defensively during the Big 10. It's the only thing keeping them in ball games. McCaffrey's constantly changing defensive schemes have keep other teams flustered and off balance.

5) No defections/solid recruiting

We haven't lost a single player since McCaffrey was hired (other than initial transfers and Hubbard and those don't mean much). In addition, McCaffrey has brought in solid recruiting classes each year. These were the major problems with the last two coaches.
I'm guessing it is the other way around, on who was drunk.... Not to mention is was only 10:30pm in Cali when he posted....

Good post from the LA Branch of HN. I too am still hanging with this team. I think that they are close to turning the corner. They are able to stay in ball games, even tho their best player is in the dumps. If we can just start shooting like we are capable of doing, we will win.

At this point we are right about where I thought we would be. Although one game off. I thought we would win a game we were not favored in, and/or a road win. I'm not counting NW. I think we will finish strong.

On Iowa!
I'm guessing it is the other way around, on who was drunk.... Not to mention is was only 10:30pm in Cali when he posted....

Good post from the LA Branch of HN. I too am still hanging with this team. I think that they are close to turning the corner. They are able to stay in ball games, even tho their best player is in the dumps. If we can just start shooting like we are capable of doing, we will win.

At this point we are right about where I thought we would be. Although one game off. I thought we would win a game we were not favored in, and/or a road win. I'm not counting NW. I think we will finish strong.

On Iowa!

Solid post dm and it's nice to see some optimism, however, we can't ignore the fact that we indeed have problems on this team. Player rotations and 3 point shooting with an emphasis on JO are the ones that seem to be the most troublesome.
Great post.

Boy was I p!zzed off after the Wisky game. There aren't any moral victories, but Purdue, Minny, and Wisky all made very clutch shots very late to beat us. I would bet that those shots are made less than 40% of the time......things have a way of balancing out, if not this year, then next year.
Every other team in the big ten is going to make strides between this year and next, so it comes down to talent. I do not think McCaffrey has recruited the right talent (scorers) to the program to allow us to be any better than 7-8 next year. For this team to jump to the middle in the conference, multiple guys to make huge strides and the incoming players to contribute offensively. Marble isn't going to be the guy, so I am not sure who the team looks to be that dynamic scorer who can create their own shot.
Every other team in the big ten is going to make strides between this year and next, so it comes down to talent. I do not think McCaffrey has recruited the right talent (scorers) to the program to allow us to be any better than 7-8 next year. For this team to jump to the middle in the conference, multiple guys to make huge strides and the incoming players to contribute offensively. Marble isn't going to be the guy, so I am not sure who the team looks to be that dynamic scorer who can create their own shot.

Saying Fran hasn't done a good job recruiting is laughable. If you think he should be getting 5* after the former state of Iowa basketball your expectations are ridiculous. Watch the the most recent youtube video on Jok and tell me he won't be able create his own shot. Gesell is a scorer and with a year under his belt will be able to score some points for us. White will continue to get better as his shot develops and it seems you forgot how good Marble can be when he's healthy and confident.
Great post.

Boy was I p!zzed off after the Wisky game. There aren't any moral victories, but Purdue, Minny, and Wisky all made very clutch shots very late to beat us. I would bet that those shots are made less than 40% of the time......things have a way of balancing out, if not this year, then next year.

Jackson's shot was the opposite of clutch. It was a brick that got an incredibly lucky bounce.
Every other team in the big ten is going to make strides between this year and next, so it comes down to talent. I do not think McCaffrey has recruited the right talent (scorers) to the program to allow us to be any better than 7-8 next year. For this team to jump to the middle in the conference, multiple guys to make huge strides and the incoming players to contribute offensively. Marble isn't going to be the guy, so I am not sure who the team looks to be that dynamic scorer who can create their own shot.

Both Michigan and Indiana are likely to go backwards next year, as it is likely that Burke and Zeller will not return.
The glass is half full because of the team's young talent and the potential talent of the guys coming in next season. The recruiting pipeline needs to be continually upgraded to compete in a very tough conference.

If Fran can ever recruit a superstar HS kid (McDonald's AA) able to get other stars to follow and that would give the team a chance to win conference, otherwise finishing in the top 5 of the conference is the goal and it is possible beginning next season.

The fact that I can write this with a straight face is an indicator of just how far the program has turned around under Fran.
These are the players of note each team definitely loses or potentially loses...definite due to eligibility (D) or possible due to early departure (P).

Michigan - Burke (P) and Hardaway (P)
Indiana - Hulls (D), Watford (D), Oladipo (P) and Zeller (P)
Michigan State - Nix (D)
Ohio State - Thomas (P)
Wisconsin - Evans (D), Bruesewitz (D) and Berggren (D)
Minnesota - Ingram (D), Mbakwe (D) and Williams (D)
Purdue - Byrd (D)
Northwestern - Marcotullio (D) and Hearn (D)
Illinois - Richardson (D), Paul (D) and Griffey (D)
Iowa - May (D)
Nebraska - Didn't check
Penn State - Didn't check

Michigan, Indiana, Ohio State, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois will definitely feel those losses...especially the latter 3. Michigan State, Purdue and Iowa don't lose much and should make strides.

Saying every team will make strides makes no sense. It's also worth noting that Iowa will be adding 3 players and 2 of them are not coming out of high school but rather off red shirts.
Holy cow that's a lot of lost talent. If we had this schedule next year I could seriously see us winning the big 10. We already are close in talent to everyone but Michigan and indiana. We should move up some and they will come down to us.
Is anyone really pessimistic about the team? Yeah losing sucks, but I haven't noticed people really down on them. Most people I talk to really like this team and the coach. The 'who cares about Iowa basketball' attitude is gone. People are watching and paying attention again.
Based on how they have played this year; what they have returning; and the quality of their coach I have to pick Michigan State next year. I have to assume they also have more good players on the way.
Saying every team will make strides makes no sense. It's also worth noting that Iowa will be adding 3 players and 2 of them are not coming out of high school but rather off red shirts.

Yes. Ohio State also loses Ravenel, Nebraska loses Ubel, Penn St loses Nick Collela. Iowa has the most potential for improvement, along with Penn St and maybe Northwestern. Most of the teams will need to do some serious reloading, Illinois and Wisconsin especially. We're definitely not going to lose ground in the offseason.
These are the players of note each team definitely loses or potentially loses...definite due to eligibility (D) or possible due to early departure (P).

Michigan - Burke (P) and Hardaway (P)
Indiana - Hulls (D), Watford (D), Oladipo (P) and Zeller (P)
Michigan State - Nix (D)
Ohio State - Thomas (P)
Wisconsin - Evans (D), Bruesewitz (D) and Berggren (D)
Minnesota - Ingram (D), Mbakwe (D) and Williams (D)
Purdue - Byrd (D)
Northwestern - Marcotullio (D) and Hearn (D)
Illinois - Richardson (D), Paul (D) and Griffey (D)
Iowa - May (D)
Nebraska - Didn't check
Penn State - Didn't check

Michigan, Indiana, Ohio State, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois will definitely feel those losses...especially the latter 3. Michigan State, Purdue and Iowa don't lose much and should make strides.

Saying every team will make strides makes no sense. It's also worth noting that Iowa will be adding 3 players and 2 of them are not coming out of high school but rather off red shirts.

This is really a good post! Thank you. Of course, the trolls will figure out a way to attack you.
Hopefully yet this year but certainly next year, I believe these guys will be winning close games more often than not.

We really need some guys that can consistantly hit from outside. Two or three current players have shots that look pretty good, they just aren't going in very often. Add Uthoff and Jok and maybe we will be OK. Added quickness would be good but I think outside shooting is the thing that would do the most to move this team up in the standings.

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