$3.5 Million per year to get Pearl?

No, but at this point we're going to have to overpay to get what we want, because the job just isn't that attractive right now.

Now that is something I can agree with 100%. Let us hope that whomever the new coach will be that he can bring us back to respectability.
I understand Ferentz is a classy guy... but c'mon

Nobody in any job is going to accept less pay when they are bringing in twice the money and sit back another employee make more money.

Would you?

When I'm making the kind of money that most of us do, no way. When I'm making the kind of money that Ferentz is making, sure. I wouldn't know how to spend that much money and keep things from being extravagant anyway (I'd prefer to live more modestly).

If Ferentz and Pearl were more in our pay grade (we'll say $75k to $100k, and that may be generous), then I could see Ferentz making a big to do about Pearl making more money. But since he's already made and making millions, I doubt it would trouble him too much. And I'd bet he sympathizes with the basketball program and would understand the need to pay that much if we wanted Pearl.
Could you imagine Pearl and Ferentz speaking at the same function?? Bruce rips off his shirt and runs around screaming... Kirk looks at the crowd and casually says into the mic, "Crap!" :D
We can't pay Bruce Pearl, or any basketball coach for that matter, more than Kirk Ferentz. I would strongly disagree with that. Just one opinion.
Then give Ferentz a couple hundred thousand more than Pearl. Everyone's happy... 'cept the athletic dept.'s budget..
We can't pay Bruce Pearl, or any basketball coach for that matter, more than Kirk Ferentz. I would strongly disagree with that. Just one opinion.

I don't really agree with it either. But like I said, I doubt Ferentz would throw a fit about it, and it's going to take that kind of money to get Pearl here. If it's anyone else, then no way do we pay them more than Kirk. But in Pearl's case, we would need to just to get him here.
Barta's job is absolutely on the line with this hire. He knows he has to make a big splash and I think he is ready and able to pay up big time for it. No bigger splash than Bruce Pearl among Hawk fans and supporters. Still a long shot....but not out of the question.
Does it bother anyone that Peral had four players arrested on weapons charges this season?

Four Tennessee Players Arrested -- NCAABB FanHouse

That's not fair in the slightest. ONE gun was found in the car, yet all four were charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. Tyler Smith was the one slapped with the possession of a firearm with an altered serial number, so it was apparently his gun. And wasn't he someone many Iowa fans were wishing we still had here before this incident?
Does it bother anyone that Peral had four players arrested on weapons charges this season?

Four Tennessee Players Arrested -- NCAABB FanHouse

No. He did the right thing and dismissed his best player Tyler Smith after his issues off the court. Sometimes great athletes are not model citizens. We have seen that in IA City over last few years. Pearl is still the man and THE most lock solid slam dunk, home run hire we could make.
Remember last time when we were all throwing around big names and then Lick was hired and we were all like...."who?".......Just convince yourself that that is what will happen again. Because it could, but it will make it that much sweeter, if we do get a big name.:)
Then give Ferentz a couple hundred thousand more than Pearl. Everyone's happy... 'cept the athletic dept.'s budget..

Actually it does not work this way.

To pay Pearl this much ($3.5 million), look to Kentucky in Bball or Alabama and ND in football.

The school does not decide to pay the big bucks. Rather rich alumni and boosters raise the extra increment needed. If the athletic department is willing to pay $1.5 million, and you need $3.5 million to "buy" Pearl. Then you need an extra $12 million ($2 million/year for say six years). That money comes from Alumni and rich boosters.

This is how Charlie Weis was fired. He was owed $18 million on the rest of his contract. Rich alumni and boosters privately raised the money to allow the athletic department to fire him.

So, how much have you guys committed to Barta and how much have you heard other rich alumni and boosters have committed?

I'm from Marquette and I can tell you we had/have a billionaire booster that lives in Milwaukee (Richard Strong formerly of the Strong Funds) that funnels huge bucks and use of his private planes to the athletic department that enabled MU to pay Tom Crean well north of $2 million/year. And will allow us to Pay Buzz market rates.

Who are the huge dollar boosters of Iowa and have then "seen enough" bad basketball and willing to pay up to fix it?
Sure there are limits to what they can afford. But there is no clause written into Ferentz's contract saying he has to be the highest-paid coach on campus, is there? If not, then I don't see why we can't pay Pearl more than KF. It's a longshot (I don't think it will happen), but Pearl would be worth it. And Ferentz doesn't seem the type to throw a fit just because someone is making more money than he is.

I'm sorry, but you cannot pay the Basketball coach more than The Captain! Football is the bread and butter of the Athletics Department and while I don't think Farentz is the type of person that would care one way or another, it's a slap in his face if it were to happen regardless of who they hire. You risk alienating the face of your University and that's a bad thing.

IF Pearl is really the guy for Iowa you structure his contract so it's very incentive heavy. Bonuses for BT Title, BT Coach of the year, BT Tournament Champs, NCAA Tournament bid, NCAA 1st round win, you get the idea. Pay him a base of 2.8M/2.9M and make the incentives push him well over the 3M mark. Easier said than done but if the University is going to back up trucks of money he needs to earn it.

Personally, I don't think Pearl is coming to Iowa. Would I like to see him here, absolutely, but I think he has it too good right now at Tennessee
That's not fair in the slightest. ONE gun was found in the car, yet all four were charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. Tyler Smith was the one slapped with the possession of a firearm with an altered serial number, so it was apparently his gun. And wasn't he someone many Iowa fans were wishing we still had here before this incident?


Two guns (one had an altered number) were found in the car, along with a bag of weed and an open container of alcohol.

Also, in 2006 he had two players arrested for crack possesion. Crack.

He has also kicked off three other players for being arrested.

Two guns (one had an altered number) were found in the car, along with a bag of weed and an open container of alcohol.

Also, in 2006 he had two players arrested for crack possesion. Crack.

He has also kicked off three other players for being arrested.

The link provided earlier in the thread said one gun was found in the car. Either way, 2 guns, 4 guys? The math doesn't add up there. The drug charges, sure, but that's not uncommon.

And I like the fact that he gets rid of guys like that once they get arrested. That's better than somebody sticking with a guy arrested for rape *cough*......
We can't pay Bruce Pearl, or any basketball coach for that matter, more than Kirk Ferentz. I would strongly disagree with that. Just one opinion.

You are so worried about Kirk's money. I'm not.

All he has to do is get his agent to tell Barta that KF is seriously thinking about accepting the head coaching position at (insert NFL team here), and Barta will open his checkbook and say, "How much do you want?"

That's never happened before, right?

Same thing Bruce Pearl is doing with us. It ain't hard for great coaches to get raises when they get offers from other schools/teams.
The link provided earlier in the thread said one gun was found in the car. Either way, 2 guns, 4 guys? The math doesn't add up there. The drug charges, sure, but that's not uncommon.

And I like the fact that he gets rid of guys like that once they get arrested. That's better than somebody sticking with a guy arrested for rape *cough*......

Are you taking the position Pearl did not know his players dealing crack until they were arrested? That Pearl discovered four others were trouble makers only after they were arrested? That pearl did not now some of his players had weapons with filed serial numbers only after they were arrested with them? That Pearl knows nothing until the cops call him after they have arrested his players (which numbers at least 9 in the last four years)?

Are you sure that Tennessee is not a team of criminals and Pearl consistently takes bad apples no one else wants? Could this by why Tennessee has one of the lowest graduation rates in the tourney (30%). Since 2006 more Tennessee players have been arrested than graduating starters and first three of the bench.

You're OK with Iowa being the "criminals" of the big 10 as long as they win?

** Education secretary Arnie Duncan pushed a proposal yesterday that teams with less than a 40% graduation rate would be barred from the NCAA tourney. Your confident that if Pearl will be able to comply with this? He's not now. Or, are academic standards much harder at Tennessee making a 40% graduation easier to achieve at Iowa?
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