22 Year Old Kirkwood Student Owns Gary Barta

Can we all agree the term knucklehead has run its course?

How about the term "Knuckledragger"?
I think we need Obama to sit down and have a beer with Barta and the rest of the contingents. That may solve the problem. Just a thought
If what you say is the case.....that's great! I don't live and die with every play .....and I also enjoy meeting friends at Kinnick and Hangin' out before the game.

But walking around with an open container is ILLEGAL if you do it anyplace else......so why should it be off limits to enforce the law at a public place where history shows lots of people are known to get HAMMERED?!

It's those people who show up, get drunk, and now have made life miserable for the rest of you.

Don't vilify ME...........I'm not part of the drunk contingent of Hawkeye Nation who brought this to the Forefront!!!!

Blame those who think Hawkeye Football is about getting drunk with friends and having a good time.........if you wanna do that, there's plenty of Bars in Iowa City that can fulfill your need!!!!

Unless you are a player or coach if game day is not about having a good time then you are doing wrong and you need to lighten up. It's not all about getting drunk it's all about being inconvenienced and hassled. This can certainly ruin a good time.
If what you say is the case.....that's great! I don't live and die with every play .....and I also enjoy meeting friends at Kinnick and Hangin' out before the game.

But walking around with an open container is ILLEGAL if you do it anyplace else......so why should it be off limits to enforce the law at a public place where history shows lots of people are known to get HAMMERED?!

It's those people who show up, get drunk, and now have made life miserable for the rest of you.

Don't vilify ME...........I'm not part of the drunk contingent of Hawkeye Nation who brought this to the Forefront!!!!

Blame those who think Hawkeye Football is about getting drunk with friends and having a good time.........if you wanna do that, there's plenty of Bars in Iowa City that can fulfill your need!!!!

The problem with your little rant is the subject of the letter here wasn't violating open container laws. He was drinking beer on a university owned lot when he was accosted.
Here's how I would respond to the 22 Year Old Kirkwood Student:

You are the knucklehead. I'm the knucklehead. Your friends are the knuckleheads. My friends are the knuckleheads.

We aren't all normally knuckleheads. Those who are are a different problem. We are the problem that's being addressed because we sometimes get too drunk. We become knuckleheads on occasion. You can pretend that you're a teenager and Barta is your parents and you've never done anything wrong. Or you can grow up and deal with your drinking like an adult.

If your plan calls for you to be drunk before 6am, perhaps your doing it wrong. Stay in your little apartment and play beer pong with your friends until you pass out. Keep your smug little face out of public view where it belongs.

The only important thing is that us knuckleheads get with the program before our kids are teenagers.

And yes, this aspect of our educational institution and American society needs this indictment.

He was playing beer pong (with WATER), and they weren't getting sloppy drunk before 6 a.m. They were just tipping back a few, having a pretty civil tailgate (at least if you believe the story). A cop comes up and basically tries to kick them off the lot without any kind of warning. And don't give me the old "You knew about the law, THAT was your warning." Because I'm sure that cops NEVER issue warnings for speeding, or anything like that.

If you aren't being totally obnoxious, there shouldn't be a problem. And from the sound of that story, they weren't being obnoxious and the police STILL hassled them.

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