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  1. H

    Speechless way to gut it out hawks!!!

    My thoughts as well
  2. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    No comment on not being ranked since 2010, shocking. Keep waving the victory flag in peoples faces after beating nobody's, which we have done since 2009. I'm very happy we won, but I'm tired of being mediocre and that isn't gonna change with people like you, asking people who know football to...
  3. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    Yes he tried to give it away, but sunshine wasn't having it.
  4. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    I had one post prior to today and that was last year, you have no idea what you're talking about, I shouldn't be surprised though.
  5. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    Oh man, the feels!!!
  6. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    We haven't been ranked since 2010, let me repeat that for you, we haven't been ranked since 2010. Please tell me what we have to be positive about. Plus I don't see anything stating I can't post negative opinions of the program. Believe me I wish I was allowed to say what I wanted, but I get...
  7. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    I got banned last year for stating what I just did, yet your allowed to post garbage like this. No wonder I hardly visit this site anymore.
  8. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    Oh, good, now we get to hear FK apologist gloat. Until we beat someone with a pulse I really feel you should keep your mouths shut. Don't get me wrong I'm happy we won, but you guys need to stop.
  9. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    Right, I hate KF, I really can't find the words for just how badly I hate him.
  10. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    All that for nothing....
  11. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    I got banned after one post on here last year and it was no where near this level of stupidity.
  12. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    We have no WR's and it appears we only have 1 RB now. Hopefully sunshine can rip off another big run so we can swing this terrible field position.
  13. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    I thought I'd quoted the Iowa State troll too, so the post looked like it was only directed at you. I was only pointing out to you I don't wear the KF goggles. We are on the same page.
  14. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    Looks like the boys are fired up!!1
  15. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    I think both teams suck, but Iowa State sucks worse. History has proven this, time and time again. Iowa State had a tougher schedule last year, but we beat the sub 500 teams and you didn't. I've wanted Captain stupid fired since the 09 season. Just won't see my post on this board.
  16. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    Troll or stupid? Explain your logic, please.
  17. H

    Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

    As bad as we are playing it's unreal how Iowa State every year, plays their best football against us. Take that last TD, how many times does that kid make that catch. Then the kickoff we field it and start on the 4. This crap happens every year.
  18. H

    Cards/Reds to affect coverage?

    It's unreal isn't it? I thought we were gonna see the longest inning in baseball history. I want to break many things right now, imagine if they tie it up.
  19. H

    But we put players in the NFL!

    Only thing I see you doing here is pointing out how dense our head coach is. Bradley Fletcher was riding the bench behind Shada his entire career which was flat out stupid. Unless you actually believe that Fletcher went from bench warmer to beast mode from his JR year. I don't buy the crap...
  20. H

    Forum trolling is getting old

    Sooooo, I come here to actually read about football not to read post, after post, after post, after post of trolls posting in here. It's really starting to get out of hand on this site and I for one would like to see it stop. Do some people post some silly ideas, topics, bring up the same...