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  1. H

    Basketball recruiting

    Thanks guys, why doesn't HN have info like the scout site? Got just what I needed.
  2. H

    Basketball recruiting

    Anybody, where can I find info on BB recruiting? Prospects, offers, commits. I am frustrated with coverage here on HN.
  3. H

    Schedule and roster

    Never mind, finally found it.
  4. H

    Darius Stokes

    I haven't heard much hype on Darius, with his genes I was hoping he grew 3 inches and put on 40 pounds since last season. Did he play in the PTL? Also does anyone have a current BB roster with update heights and weights.
  5. H

    Woodbury and Jok

    How tall is Darius now?
  6. H

    Texas/Texas Tech Blacked Out?

    Dish is blacked out also.....
  7. H

    Big Ten Greatest games

    Check out Iowa and Mich. 1985, talk about athletes.
  8. H

    Tuckers Return

    Great points urohawk...I agree 100%
  9. H

    Tuckers Return

    Little Lick just scares me...I can't believe teams don't slap a double team on him every time he has the ball. Nothing against the kid, but he just does not have a B10 handle.