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  1. V

    Renovating Kinnick

    I think it would sell out if they expanded to 85,000 because they would decrease the ticket price with a higher capacity. There are easily 15,000 fans in IC on gameday's without game tickets.
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    Hampton, Robinson, Wegher and Brinson: Something's gotta give!

    This is a great problem to have, but I have a feeling that Brinson is going to be the one left out. I just have a feeling he's not going to get the reps and he'll end up transferring even though I really feel he possibly has the most talent out of all our backs. I don't know what it is but I...
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    Game Watch: Chicago/Naperville

    John Barleycorn in Wrigleyville is another place that has a great deal and it's an "unofficial" game watch location, but I almost prefer it. $25 all you can drink bud lights and well drinks, plus buffet. And the food is actually pretty good. It's on the other side of Moe's so almost right next...
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    Who is Iowa's biggest Big Ten rival

    There is no team that I hate losing to more than Illinois. Now that I actually live in Illinois I want nothing more than to crush them every time we play them. I really wish we played them this year just so we could beat the snot out of them. In my opionion they are by far the most obnoxious...
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    Iowa Will Win Big this Weekend

    The Orange Bowl?
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    One of the biggest games ever for Iowa this weekend?

    You could say this for every remaining game on the schedule.
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    This week reminds me of last year

    With all of the recent success this team has gotten, I think it will be very interesting to see how we perform as the hunted opposed to being the hunters. We've been on the big stage a few times this year but not in this role. PSU we were underdogs, and I feel against Wisky we didn't have that...
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    This week reminds me of last year

    Wow I literally just wrote the exact same thread.
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    MSU game vs. PSU game 2008 game comparisons

    Doesn't this game have a similar feeling that the PSU game had last year, only reversed for us? I realize PSU was in a better position to play for a national title but hear me out. We go into a hostile environment ranked in the top ten for a night game against a team that started out a little...
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    Thru 7 Games: Who is Iowa's MVP?

    I agree with what's been said about the other players but it all starts with the quarterback. Although Ricky has had his share of mistakes, his poise and demeanor in the huddle following these plays are huge for this team. He's steadily putting together a very nice season statistically and...