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  1. M

    DJK could have been a leader

    To answer your question, I read and appreciated Jon's senior day write-up so I decided to post my comments on this board also.
  2. M

    Derrell Johnson-Koulianos

    If DJK was involved in a credit card scandal, would he have been given a 2nd chance? If he sucker punched a teammate would he have been allowed to play with no mention to anyone on what happened? If he punched a cab driver would his case be delayed for 2 years and not missed a game? If he...
  3. M

    DJK could have been a leader

    He was never given the opportunity. And don't buy the he doesn't want to speak to the media.
  4. M

    The sad life of DJK

    Re: Special Thanks to DJK... Believe me when I tell you, Derrell loves and appreciates the fans in Iowa. It's you guys that have kept his spirits up all these years !
  5. M

    DJK was NOT in a Fight

    Agree 100%
  6. M

    What I Saw: On the Field for Senior Day

    Very nice Jon. I know he appreciates it.
  7. M

    Who will have the bigger year DJK or Marvin McNutt

    All things being equal(# of plays on the field), DJK without a doubt. If we bench DJK for wearing converse instead of nike, or not playing the 1st half because he didn't brush his teeth that day like has happened the past few years, McNutt.
  8. M

    DJK injury in Orange Bowl

    You are welcome. I was pretty nervous myself. It looked pretty bad in person, and worse when they replayed over and over again on TV.
  9. M

    DJK injury in Orange Bowl

    He will be ready for spring ball.