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  1. K


    hasn't he been playing on special teams and a little in dime stuff? Hadn't heard anything about him leaving the team or being hurt...
  2. K

    When Clayborn went down yesterday...

    Think he got hit in nads if I was a betting man.
  3. K

    What not to do on a punt return

    Wow, thought he was covering the punt I guess. Still what were you thinking. That is funny.
  4. K

    James Cleveland playing BIG for Houston

    To bad he couldn't stay out of trouble. He was getting some PT as a youngster wasn't he? who did he get in trouble with, DD for theft?
  5. K

    Chuck Long an Ast. Coach?

    Would love to see Chuck as our QB coach. Just his experience alone would help our QB developement.
  6. K

    Who hugged a stranger after the Iowa MSU game?

    Hugged my dog that was sitting in my recliner with me as I was screaming like a little girl. My wife thinks I'm an idiot!
  7. K

    Clayborn Co-DPOTW in Big 10

    Man I hope he stays around for his Sr. year. The man is an Animal!
  8. K


    Worries me a bit too. A lot of low line drive FG's and EP the last couple weeks. They have gone in, but might cost them down the line. ISU vs Kansas State?
  9. K

    Robinson and Crutches...

    Wegher is okay he may have to carry the load next week. Man what a hard hitting game. Don't remember seeing one like that before. Nasty out there!
  10. K

    Struggling Offenses or Great Defenses?

    Worried about our offense a bit, but MSU's defense played lights out tonight!
  11. K

    Anyone else in tears

    My heart sank to my feet when MSU scored that TD, but I hadd tears in my eyes when KF choked up a bit in post game interview! What a great bunch of kids! They played their hearts out. Feel bad for Dace, guy can't catch a break! Hope Greenwood and Sandeman are okay those were nasty hits they...
  12. K

    Hey Jon

    thank you very much jon. will give me something to listen to when I am driving around all night. Late night radio SUCKS!
  13. K

    Who is Iowa's biggest Big Ten rival

    1. MINNY 2. WISC 3. ILL 4. MICH 5. OSU 6. NW 7. MSU 8. Purdue 9. IND 10. PSU Coach I hate the Most 1. Zooker 2. Rich Rod 3. Brewster 4. BB 5. Tressel. The rest of the coaches are okay!
  14. K

    What if UNI makes that FG?

    11-1 Big Ten Champion trip to the Rose Bowl! UNI will win the FCS national championship. They are better then 1/2 the teams in the FBS!
  15. K


    I would like to see some imput from Deace on the board too. Think he does a good job with college and pro football.
  16. K

    Hey Jon

    Jon work nights get off at 6 a.m. just as you guys are coming on the radio. Looked into trying to download podcasts of the show, but seem to be a little dated. You guys plan on expanding the podcasts at all. I listened to you everyday when you were on in the afternoon, but can't stay up to...
  17. K

    How many hours per week on message boards?

    Way to many for me. I work nights though if its slow good way to pass the time!
  18. K

    Hampton, Robinson, Wegher and Brinson: Something's gotta give!

    If Hampton comes back as good as advertised Wegher will be in the slot. Who knows maybe some "wildcat" in Iowa's future to get the ball in his hands. Think Brinson maybe the odd man out. He seems to be struggling with health issues putting him behind the eight ball and behind the learning...