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  1. C

    Brent Metcalf twitter today..

    Are you kiddin me ? Wrestling put up to 10,000 fans in Carver, how many did BB put in, 3200, maybe? Better research before posting...
  2. C

    What I'm hearing on transfers

    I was thrilled under Mr. Davis, haven't been since then, and this Lick guy has completely turned me off of Ia BB :mad:
  3. C

    Who's going to bowl game this year?

    Don't want to rain on anyones parade, but I'll bet when the figures come in, the cost per person on any charter will be $2,300-$2,500. Factor in food,drink and any incidentals, you're prolly talking 2.500-2700, minimum per person for only 3 full days and 4 nights. I'm not sure I can justify...
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    Forest Evashevski has passed away

    R.I.P. Coach
  5. C

    Riley Reiff

    In 3 yrs you'll see him in the NFL
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    We must finish 12-0 to secure the Roses...

    Has anyone mentioned if we finish 11-1 and a loss to Ohio we very probably go to the Orange Bowl ?
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    Brad Rogers

    I'm thinking he's a Shonn Greene prototype. They called him the "wrecking ball" in Ohio, deceptive speed and reads his blockers real well and likes to run over people.
  8. C

    thin at running backs,no problem

    Maybe we'll se a little of the "Wrecking Ball" Brad Rogers?
  9. C

    Jeff Brinson?

    I wouldn't be surprised if he were to leave Iowa, especially if Brad Rogers turns out to be another Shonn Greene. We are loaded at RB if everyones healthy. I wish him Gods speed.
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    Adam Rittenberg brings up the Sandeman hit

    All I have to say is, you were not watching the same game I was watching. I don't care if you're the last place team in the nation, if your player takes a hit like Sandy did, that's a flag call, so evident and flagrant. That defensive player lead comletely with his helment with full intention of...
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    It's official - Dace breaks left ankle! :-(

    I would think minimum 6-8 weeks depending on what type of break it is. Bowl game would be the earlyest.
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    I also heard that they thought Dace may only miss a couple of games, remember lineman don't have to make sharp cuts line a running back or it's possible he could recover quicker...hope,hope,hope
  13. C

    5 wide

    my thoughts exactly, there's no way we jump over the top 3 if they win out. Heck I'd take #4 in the nation.