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  1. SenatorReturns

    Leach Fired

    Video of Adam Jones utility closet posted on YouTube. YouTube - Adam James
  2. SenatorReturns

    Welcome to Miami

    Im down.
  3. SenatorReturns

    Iowa vs. Purdue Preview/Prediction - NOW AVAILABLE

    Re: Iowa vs. Purdue Preview/Prediction upcoming Ah, is there something you need to tell us Spank? "laid up on the coach"? At least we know where you are getting your inside information. :)
  4. SenatorReturns

    Iowa vs. Purdue Preview/Prediction - NOW AVAILABLE

    Re: Iowa vs. Purdue Preview/Prediction upcoming So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!*
  5. SenatorReturns

    imported_ username

    Working. Thanks Jon.
  6. SenatorReturns

    imported_ username

    You still working these? I sent an email a while back w/ no response.
  7. SenatorReturns

    Urban Meyer LEAVING FLORIDA!

    Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida! Good thing you are not, that picture is hilarious. Get a grip.
  8. SenatorReturns

    KCRG (Cedar Rapids) denied NFL Network for Insight Bowl

    Let me ask you this Dish people.... If I want Hi-Def, Local Channels, as well as all the regular Dish channels how many dishes do I need to make this happen? Last I knew, I needed a Dish for every one of those scenarios pointing to a different satellite.
  9. SenatorReturns

    These pop up ads are annoying

    I use to swear by Firefox but ever since I went Google Chrome I've never looked back. In fact, Firefox is so clunky its unusable to me. I know we are dealing with opinions, but if you haven't tried an alternative to FF, then you might want to look around.
  10. SenatorReturns

    These pop up ads are annoying

    Research shows 70% of people who are on IE6 cant upgrade because of their IT department at work. If you are in this bucket, I suggest printing a few of these posters and giving them to IT department.... HEY-IT - We want to get rid of IE6!
  11. SenatorReturns

    The player that made Kirk Ferentz

    Benny Sapp? :)
  12. SenatorReturns

    These pop up ads are annoying

    Great 1st post eva. BTW, worst advice ever. Telling people to get off IE6 is the best solution. If your job has IE6 and you are not able to change it then I suggest getting a different job or telling them to run windows updates to get the browser up to snuff.
  13. SenatorReturns

    These pop up ads are annoying

    Seriously, download Google Chrome, its way better.
  14. SenatorReturns

    Orange Bowl not televised on mediacom

    Its difficult to defend a company like Mediacom whose track record for great customer service has been non-existent. Terrible queue call waiting times, malfunctioning service (internet/phone), and extraordinarily higher prices than other local competitors have dug a deep whole of consumer...
  15. SenatorReturns

    Burning Redshirts with 4 Games Left

    Put Morse in the backfield and run Shotgun.
  16. SenatorReturns


    Its quite possible they are disabled. If one cant have a signature w/ image. They may be making it more user friendly for cellphone users and low bandwidth users. Just need verification that this is the direction they are headed. Not sure if the mobile version of forums can be modified to...
  17. SenatorReturns

    Post Icons

    Your post icon images are broken. They point here: ---> Linky no workie.
  18. SenatorReturns

    No Images In Signature?

    Really? Not even a size limit?
  19. SenatorReturns

    imported_ username

    UPDATE "user_table" SET username = RIGHT(username, LENGTH(username) - 9) WHERE LEFT(username,9) = 'imported_'