I guess my complaint is that there are so many things to complain about we haven't complained about the classic Hawkeye complaint - why don't they put in the second string QB.
BTW, Helen now works for Wells Fargo customer disservice.
I think I would go to battle with Cib, Build a business with Cib, hang out with Cib, try to accomplish something with Cib. The rest? Yeesh. Tend to your knitting.
I hadn't try this game thread thing before. I can see why Jon excused himself.
When in Arrowhead for the Chiefs - Vikes game, saw a guy with a shirt that said "Put in Stanzi" with a chiefs and Hawks logo on it. Brother-in-law took a picture, but I can't get it to upload here.
Do you do that shirt, too?
Sort of a PSA. Someone is bound to say what channel is the game on, right? They just can't figure out how to use the spage age remote on their new telbishon, or look it up on the interwebs.
you're supposed to walk out a sprain! either his doctor is a quack or a tar heel or we aren't getting the whole story. let's crack open ft. kinnick/carver and get to the bottom of this! if this makes us not be back, its time for some honest questions!