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  1. StacheofVictory

    Pelini fired

    The real tragedy, though, is that we will never again get to follow the amazing Twitter feed that was #FauxPelini. Bo's comments as his last game unfolded/status post his firing have been awesome. Too bad the B1G must bid adieu to their crazy, frothing-at-the-mouth, ref punching drunken uncle...
  2. StacheofVictory

    Iowa vs Nebraska Game Thread

    The up blocker really tainted that punt's trajectory.
  3. StacheofVictory

    Iowa vs Nebraska Game Thread

    Black Friday special! NCAA regulation sized footballs!! Come one, come all. The Hawkeyes are giving them away for free!! Makes a great stocking stuffer.
  4. StacheofVictory

    Iowa vs Nebraska Game Thread

    Fickle fate finally smiles on the 2014 Hawks.
  5. StacheofVictory

    Iowa vs Nebraska Game Thread

    Looks like the Minnesota game. Minus scoring.
  6. StacheofVictory

    FG from the Fumble

    Knew we had to play mistake free tonight. Those 3pts we fumbled away at 240pm today really hurt. What a friggin bummer. Oh well, die hard Hawkeye here. Please squash the Bugeaters on Senior Day.
  7. StacheofVictory

    X and O question

    As someone with lots of love for Iowa Football, but lesser knowledge regarding Xs and Os (beyond JV HS FB and PS3), I wish more folks would post questions like this. Thanks, NCHawker and fellow posters. For once in a long time, I'm leaving my HN browsing smarter than when I entered.
  8. StacheofVictory

    Hawkeyes - Badgers game prediction

    31-30 Iowa. A fitting exorcism to the 3 ton demon Hutt monkey named Bert that's been on this program's proverbial back since 2010.
  9. StacheofVictory

    We have Wisky right where we want them...

    Seems like Iowa should be watching a lot of jNW tape, both in terms of remembering what we did to jNW, and what they did to Wisky. It is imperative we start quickly, get the crowd going, and put their gameplan on the arm of Stave/McEvoy over the legs of MGIII. It's gonna take one heckuva Hawk...
  10. StacheofVictory

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    Dear Coach Beckman: Thank you for starting Wes Lunt, and not O'Toole. Sincerely, HN
  11. StacheofVictory

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    Nice Throw. Nice Drive. Sunshine.
  12. StacheofVictory

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    Nice job guys. Now for the love of Fry, please keep the foot on the throttle. Please??
  13. StacheofVictory

    CJ Bethard?

    Right, wrong, or otherwise; as long as this game is close, for your health, don't hold your breath. CJB will be 1st team clipboard holder.
  14. StacheofVictory


    From what I saw (head first into equipment cart, and Neuro check on the sideline), I worry re: concussion. AIRBHG is in the ether these days.
  15. StacheofVictory


    Fullback + Runningback = Funningback. Mark Weisman is the greatest Funningback ever.
  16. StacheofVictory

    Name for Iowa's Offense

    Zippy the Wonder Slug
  17. StacheofVictory

    Wanted: 4 tix to Iowa v Minnesota

    Need 4 tix to Minnesota game at TCF Bank stadium. Prefer to sit in the Iowa section. Willing to pay fair price.
  18. StacheofVictory

    ****Iowa - Indiana Game Thread****

    PA to Duzey now that we've shown run.
  19. StacheofVictory

    ****Iowa - Indiana Game Thread****

    Well, hopefully the O can carry the D for a change today. Enter CJB.