If people think Kneeling solves anything, I got news for you it doesn’t!
My take - Eliminate the National Anthem at all sporting events. They want to truly make a difference go visit communities and talk to people, sit in on City council meeting and promote active engaging changes in their...
This will do nothing for the masses that are bent on the main issues at hand, but honestly nothing they can aay would. However this Presser could potentially add more fuel to the fire and most certainly will draw even more questions!!
If no changes are made than I would agree with waiting! Any announcement today that doesn’t have Doyle gone is going to make matters worse!! However the fact that his son announced he was leaving Chris Doyle still being apart of this program is slim n none in my view.
I think your wrong. They need a quick response to this, move on and get it somewhat behind them. Plus what would be the reason the to have a presser if it’s much ado about nothing.
Doesn’t BF report to Barta? :cool:
I say that because I have a gut feeling that Doyle might not be the only person exiting stage left. I’ve been saying it’s only Doyle that’s fired but I’m not to sure now how this shakes out.