The whole defensive line got smoked at about the 22 second mark, crazy the surge the OL gets, I would curious how hard they are playing, maybe working just on fundamentals?
Ya, I agree Iowa vs. Pitt.....yawn. I voted for Alabama versus Penn State, as someone mentioned, it will give us a chance to see how far Penn St. has come, should be a pretty good game.
Ya, lets hope Fox and Co. can draft better than that POS McDaniels, hell go back to the Shanny days too. I think Denver has to take Dareus, but like you I would really like to have Peterson. should be a writer, suckered me in, not hard to do though. I would love to see Ballard with the Broncos, God knows we need all the help we can get.
Well, he may not be the fastest safety in the draft, but I wouldn't challenge his hitting ability, maybe play him closer to the line instead of 20 yards off the LOS?