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  1. B

    There’s no question...

    This. The last thing we want is for Barta to hire the next basketball coach, and it doesn't seem like Harreld has the gull to fire Barta if he didn't after he embarrassed the university with the discrimination lawsuit.
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    Logan Lee to DE?

    These were the same questions posed when Fant was coming to Iowa and whether he'd play tight end or defensive end, hopefully this ends with a similar result.
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    I’m done with Fran

    Fran will never get us past this point. In his first 8 years he's gotten us into just 2 NCAA tournaments, (3 if you want to include the play-in game which I don't since we lost). Lack of defense, bizarre substitution patterns, woeful recruiting, below average in game coaching are things have...
  4. B

    Nixon enters transfer portal

    Correct, that's why I referenced Marcus Coker. Pretty much the exact same circumstances that unfolded.
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    Nixon enters transfer portal

    I've heard two scenarios on this, the first being that this is similar to the Marcus Coker situation and he's been suspended by the University and not the coaching staff and he'll effectively never play at Iowa. The second is that he is in good standing with the University and Kirk and that he...
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    Iowa should bring the script uniforms full time. The uniforms we have now are pretty bad, the Iowa font looks like it's for NASCAR. The women have much better uniforms than the men.
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    Question for Barta

    Barta needs to go before Fran. The last thing we want is for Barta to make the next basketball hire.
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    The next McCarron, Vandeberg, or Easley?

    Hopefully Tracy. I can't think of any Iowa slot receiver with as much big playmaking ability as Tracy appears to have.
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    Dolphin get's a two game suspension

    He wasn't wrong! Barta completely mishandled this, because of course he did. FM didn't do anything to shift the narrative either.
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    McCaffrey is a very interesting player

    To be fair, length is the most important physical attribute in basketball, far more important than height. CM is a great addition to this years team. Smart, composed, and he guards. The smartest basketball player on the team, and dare I say the smartest McCaffrey..
  11. B

    Best 3pt shooting team in Fran Era?

    This could be the best 3pt shooting team in the Fran era, but I'm not sure that really says anything... It's nice having bigs that can shoot like Garza and Kreiner, but as a team we shoot WAY too many 3's. Baer shot 7 last night which isn't ideal, and against UMKC 13 of our first 18 shots were...
  12. B

    The interception on the goal line

    This just adds insult to injury. Two of the tougher losses I can remember in the same season.
  13. B

    Depth Chart for Penn State Game

    Is Moss listed over Hankins due to injury or has he surpassed him on the depth chart now?
  14. B

    What are your expectations for Cook this season?

    Haha, okay now you really are sounding like a cyclone or husker fan by accusing me of trolling because of my skepticism. We've been terrible on defense the past two seasons, finishing 301 and 317 and return nearly all of the same contributors from those two years, and some things like Bohannon...
  15. B

    What are your expectations for Cook this season?

    You were somewhat convincing until the last paragraph, 'don't buy the rhetoric on Fran being a bad defensive coach'. Fran's philosophies are atrocious, even former players of his have called him out and said they never worked on defense in practice. Most of the postgame questions posed to Fran...
  16. B

    What are your expectations for Cook this season?

    This isn't Cyclone Fanatic or a Husker's board, we don't always have to blindly drink the Kool-Aid. It's okay to pose a reasonable question following a 4-14 conference record regarding peoples excitement in Iowa basketball.
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    What are your expectations for Cook this season?

    This sounds like straight Fran hyperbola. We still won't play any defense, or defend the 3. Fran will continue to over substitute, how is having bodies to put in on defense going to help us? Fran's been playing 12 guys traditionally and we've been terrible. You described yourself as...
  18. B

    What are your expectations for Cook this season?

    Are people actually excited for Iowa basketball? I'm excited to see Joe Wieskamp play, but beyond that I'm not the least bit excited for Iowa basketball as a whole until after the football season is over - namely because it's going to look a lot like last year.
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    Clemson Changing QB’s

    So you want to put Mansell in? LOL
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    Darien Porter

    How are Porter's stats this year? It's clear that Iowa doesn't see the potential in Porter that an ISU or Nebraska have by not offering, but they've also shown they're below average (and that's putting it politely) at evaluating the position.