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  1. R

    How many of you have worked on a BCS Conference Coaching Staff?

    So people can't voice their opinions of a school that makes a crap ton of money off us fans, coaches that will make more than than most of us can dream of and players that get a free education while I have 30k of student loans? Why can't we be critical? We as employees get evaluated at work. Why...
  2. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    So you are okay with the coaching? I wish I got paid 3 million for my current job as a teacher to have my students fail a test that we have been preparing 2 weeks for. You don't see top teams do these things that I described. I will send my resume in. They can pay me a quarter of what KF makes...
  3. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    So why not strive to become an annual Top 15 program? It sounds like you are fine with the average results for our overpaid coach.
  4. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    A transition year into what? More of the same crap? I don't know why people are okay with having these type of years. I think Iowa can be built into a top team in the conference every year, but yet its okay to have a 7-5 team last year, I'm saying 6-6 team this year, and the same next year (we...
  5. R

    What a bunch of babies...

    So with 2 weeks of game planning for Penn State, this is okay? The team was not prepared and that is on the coaching staff.
  6. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    I would be more okay with the loss if Penn State was a better team than us, but they aren't. Having a chance to practice for 2 weeks for this game, this is the best they have? That's bad coaching. The team wasn't prepared and it showed.
  7. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    Why shouldn't Iowa be in the Top 25 every year? The program and facilities are top notch for college teams. I think we are better than 7-5 every year. Iowa needs to strive for this by making their coaches responsible. Whether its coaching or recruiting, things need to change. It is embarassing...
  8. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    Well when I can sit in the stands and know who and where the ball or player is going, I'm sure the other team can pick up on that also.
  9. R

    What message is KF sending his team

    You do? Don't you have to trust your team at some points in a game? It would be one thing if Penn State's offense looked good, but they didn't. So why not try to actually try to move the ball down the field? The point of the game is to score more points than the other team.
  10. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    Were you satisfied with the Pitt game? I wasn't. Was the comeback great? Hell yes it was. I will give that comeback to the players in the 4th Quarter. Yes the coaches made a good call by going no huddle, but what team doesn't in that situation? The first 3 quarters of that game was what Iowa is...
  11. R

    Loss hurts but i thought they would be 3-2

    I say 6-6 or 7-5 with maybe an upset over somebody. Don't see things getting much better next year either. Some changes are needed in the coaching staff!
  12. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    So they shouldn't be held responsible for the horrible performance against an average team while Ferentz is getting paid 3+ million a year? I understand that the team is young but look at other programs around the country that have to reload every year. You can't tell me Penn State is a more...
  13. R

    Why are so many people okay with the loss?

    Things need to change. Iowa needs to hire young coordinators that adapt to the way the game as evolved. We need to stop being so conservative. We had 2 and a half mins left in the half yesterday with 2 timeouts..what do we do? Run dives up the middle. Do you see teams like Oklahoma, Alabama...