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  1. R

    Iowa getting Nike Combat Uni's

    Everyone acts like we've had these uniforms for 100 years, like we're Penn State. We have had them since, what, 1999? Hayden use to change the uniforms constantly. It's no big deal. Our uniforms aren't even original. We are recognized by our logo, not by our uniforms that make us look like...
  2. R

    No joke, KOK needs to go.

    So you have never thought a football coach at any level should be fired, ever?
  3. R

    No joke, KOK needs to go.

    This it the absolute dumbest argument you could attempt to make. It's not our job to be the offensive coordinator. We don't get paid for it. But there a lot of people who are offensive coordinators, and who could and do do better. I could probably send a list of those people to Gary Barta...
  4. R

    What would it take for KF to fire KOK

    If we scored 10 points/game, 3 points/game, 0 points/game? Our offense has not got it done for the majority of the last 10 years. KOK is the luckiest man alive to have a job, and he owes it to defense and special teams (well, not so much special teams). We have, I think, the greatest...
  5. R

    O-line is the problem

    You didn't think the kick coverage was a huge concern? I thought it was last week, and they scored a TD tonight. But I'm glad you're not worried.
  6. R

    Down, But Not Out...

    How does this loss " in no way hurt Iowa's chances of making a BCS bowl game"? Don't they consider number of losses. Do you think if Iowa was 9-3 with a loss to AZ instead of 10-2 last year that we would have had an equal chance of going to a BCS game?