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  1. B

    Would it have killed them to review that play?

    The ball crossed the plane before he was down. I was surprised it wasn't reviewed simply as a matter of procedure if if nothing else.
  2. B

    Not a big fan of Illinois, but--

    Like the Big Ten win, but not so sure about tacking on an extra TD within the last minute and calling a timeout with 2 seconds left.
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    No, they had it spot on, it's how it was. the guy torched us for 41 of 57 passing. Great arm. One mistake and one bad bounce was the difference.
  4. B

    Did I see a blitz???

    couple of them. Norm back in the booth was huge.
  5. B

    How's that for all....

    definitely a W is a W kind of game. Micah Hyde saves the day. Gabbert tore it up. That guy is the real deal. But why didn't we stop giving Coker the ball like we did in the OSU game. Seriously, he was having the same kind of game, then we brought in twinkle toes Robinson to do nothing right...
  6. B

    Coker sets school record for rushing yards in a single game

    I said after his first game he would not be around for four years. Probably somewhere in the "Can Coker redshirt next year" Thread.
  7. B

    ARob wasn't that great (and the numbers to prove it)

    Does Wegher stay now that Robinson will be gone? People who live in glass houses...
  8. B

    Stanzi has always been average at best

    Great job hitting Reisner on the bootleg.
  9. B

    Stanzi has always been average at best

    He can not make the throws that are needed to be made. Too soft too hard too high too low. Just too inconsistent all the way around. I hate to say it.
  10. B

    Insight Bowl Game Thread

    Mizzou's got us right where they want us!!!
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    Insight Bowl Game Thread

    Stanzi is not that good he is a nice average D1 QB, but that's all sorry.
  12. B

    Insight Bowl Game Thread

    Stanzi is on fire again.
  13. B

    Sports Illustrated- Bowl prediction

    This team checked out back in October. Not sure how they get anything going now. Hope they do though. We'll see.
  14. B

    College Football Playoff

    Wiscy would love to play Oregon or Auburn. But they got beat, so they're out. That was decided on the field. I have no problem with Wisconsin and MSU not getting a shot at a championship the way it played out this year. Who gets left out this year if there was an 8 team playoff? Definitely...
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    College Football Playoff

    A playoff isn't going to "solve" anything, it would simply shift the debate. Actually it would probably make things worse. Say there was a 16 team playoff. There are going to be more two or three loss teams "left out" that would have legitimate arguments. This year the BCS worked out...
  16. B

    How many Big Ten teams get bowl wins??

    Wisconsin should roll. Everybody else, could be a long hard BT bowl season. MSU will be done by 2Q.
  17. B

    I'll Pass, Thanks.

    Thunderhawk is simply pointing out that the athletics office put the cart before the horse on the bowl game letter.
  18. B

    I'll Pass, Thanks.

    I think somebody in the athletics office was making an assumption prior to the weekend. You know what happens when we "assume". I think there has been alot of assuming going on in around IC the last few months.
  19. B

    Sickening comments by Clayborn.

    The combines are a formality and are where guys that come out of fresno St. Troy, and other mid majors can impress. Multiple year BT starters will be judged by their career. If a guy can not get it done in October with a bowl trip on the line, that speaks volumes about their character and...
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    I have... last week, and the week before that, and the week before that...