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  1. D

    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    Well, no. Iowa has won 11 Big Ten titles, plus a conference title in 1896 and a division title in 2015. And other sports have had success, including Gable’s incredible run in wrestling. But of all the Big Ten champs Iowa football has had, the Ironmen aren’t one of them. A win in the finale...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    You touch on an interesting point, which is that the Nile Kinnick/Ironmen story is probably harder to translate to film than you might think. While the Ironmen are beloved in Iowa lore, it’s hard to make them underdogs on the level of Hoosiers or Miracle. The challenge is that although the...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    I am as well. That movie looks like it could be very good!
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    I don't agree that any movie about the Ironmen would be good exposure for Iowa. If the movie turns out to be as poorly-directed, poorly-acted, and generally forgettable as the other film projects Joe Heath has produced, I don't think that's good exposure for our roots and our program. Of course...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    Obviously if The Ironmen turned out like Remember The Titans, it would be a huge, huge win. Remember The Titans is an all-time classic sports movie produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, starring Denzel Washington, and released by Walt Disney Pictures. This Ironmen movie might as well not even exist on...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    I wasn't speaking to that movie's historical accuracy, only refuting the absurd notion Joe Heath has advanced on several occasions that Hollywood only makes "based on a true story" movies on people who are already famous. The three Hidden Figures women were far less famous when their movie came...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    Completely agree...I can’t see why any embellishing needs to take place, either. That didn’t stop Lidd from publishing a book with numerous inaccuracies about the Ironmen and Kinnick’s life. (No, Kinnick never met Ronald Reagan or played a football game with JFK as his coach.) But the book was a...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    :) Don’t get me wrong...I’m not a stodgy stick-in-the-mud who is unilaterally opposed to the idea of a Kinnick movie. I’d love to see a great Kinnick movie, too, the kind that gives viewers the chills you mentioned. This movie won’t be’ll give you chills, all right, but not the kind...
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    Ironmen Film Bringing Legendary Hawkeye Nile Kinnick to Big Screen

    I hate to say it, but this movie is almost certainly going to be a complete embarrassment to Hawkeye fans, the University of Iowa, and the legacy of Nile Kinnick. Look, we all love Nile Kinnick and he has a great story, no doubt. But that doesn’t mean this movie is going to be any good, and the...
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    Fry vrs KF after 13 years

    As many posters have said, comparing Big Ten records straight up is incredibly misleading. Northwestern and (especially) Wisconsin are totally different teams today than the ones Fry faced. That's not even accounting for the fact that Penn State wasn't a conference opponent for most of Fry's...
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    New Duke Slater book

    Frank Gilliam is a great, great Hawkeye. At the risk of sounding too self-promoting, Gilliam penned a great chapter for our book What It Means to Be a Hawkeye. It was wonderful to hear the story of how he came to Iowa. I've always felt he was one of the more underrated Hawkeyes. When people...
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    New Duke Slater book

    Hey, thanks for this post! That's a great story. I know from a few people that Duke Slater joined Nile Kinnick at several Hawkeye gatherings in 1940, celebrating Nile's Heisman season. What I wouldn't give to have been at one of those! Hawkeye history excites me, too! Thanks again for...
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    New Duke Slater book

    Jack Trice was the victim of more than just bigotry; he was trampled to death in a game against Minnesota in 1923. It was just the second game of his career. Trice was the first black athlete in Iowa State history, and that, coupled with his untimely death, are the main parts of his legacy at...
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    New Duke Slater book

    I've heard good things about Smashwords. If I decide to self-publish a book in the future, I'll definitely consider using them. This book, however, has a trade publisher in McFarland Books, which means they have both the print and e-book rights. So I'm not allowed to put a Duke Slater...
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    New Duke Slater book

    The good news is my publisher assures me the book will be released as an e-book. The bad news is they can't say when. :o From my experience with my last two publishers, it took several months for either of them to get it up for sale in e-book form. Could be sooner, but I hate to give...
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    New Duke Slater book

    HawkeyeBob, That's some good reading there! For my money, Lamb and McGrane's book is the best book ever written on Hawkeye football, bar none. And if Lamb and McGrane's work is "The Godfather" of Hawkeye football books, then Grady's book is "The Godfather Part II". Both are just...
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    New Duke Slater book

    Yeah, upgraded probably wasn't my best choice of words. I'm sure Slater Hall is a very livable building...I don't really know; I never lived there. (I didn't pass the physical fitness exam. :p I'm only kidding. Actually, when I was at Iowa, I was a nerd with no social I lived in...
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    New Duke Slater book

    It's true that naming a dorm after him was a grand gesture, and I don't want to downplay that at all. But Slater Hall could definitely use some upgrading. I wrote a post on this topic a few days ago. As for the Kinnick Stadium idea, it doesn't need to be a grand tribute. Just a small...
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    New Duke Slater book

    I agree, Hawknick, it would have been incredible to see that team play! Hopefully the throwbacks against Iowa State will give us a chance to squint and imagine. ;) There are over two dozen Slater photos in the book, too, and that 1921 Notre Dame picture is one of them. It's such a great...
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    New Duke Slater book

    Hey, Hawk fans! Just wanted to let everyone on the forum know that my new book on Duke Slater has been released and is available for purchase. If you have Paypal, you can order your copy of the book through my website by clicking here. I can also take an order by mail; just send me a PM and...