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  1. M

    Big 10 officiating

    My favorite call was when one Hoosier elbowed his teammate hard enough to knock him off stride and May, who was trailing the player, got called for a foul. The commentators said nothing about it and I think the BTN must have a policy of not replaying and/or commenting on bad calls.
  2. M

    Iowa vs Indiana- 2 bad basketball teams

    I know loesshillshawk always has something negative to say about the Hawks, but I can't figure out what this means. Is he talking about Creek? I think he went down right before the conference season started which had to be the same week that Iowa lost their leading scorer. Am I missing something?
  3. M

    Miller / Deace this morning

    Oh, and I forgot the other thing than Deace said. Iowa needs to get a point guard and basically saying that they have no chance with Payne as their point guard. He said it several times and Jon countered with "He's quicker than he looks" That's possibly true but I thought Cully had his best...
  4. M

    Miller / Deace this morning

    I heard it this morning and I thought Jon was getting a little ticked off although he seemed to want to avoid the direct confrontation. It really hasn't seemed like Steve is that upset over ISU being as bad as they are. One thing I don't think anyone could disagree with is Iowa is much better...
  5. M


    How is bringing the ball up an "absolutely necessary" function of the point guard? The point guard job, much more so than bringing the ball up court, is directing the offense. Ever heard of them referred to as a coach on the floor? You usually don't hear that term used to describe the...
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    The other thing I wonder is if he's playing so many minutes and is so terrible then where are all the turnovers? Payne had 6 today and Gatens had 5. Those are bad numbers but I don't see the criticism of their ball handling and security.
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    Maybe you should do the same when you put up posts that say "all the point guard has to do is bring the ball up court"
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    Has anyone seen this video of the Orange Krush?

    Sneak into our home court dressed as the road team? That's a sweet idea. Psychological warfare at its best.
  9. M

    What do you like about Iowa basketball right now

    I like: (1) We are losing nothing, even if none of the incoming freshmen play a minute we'll still be better than we are this year and we aren't that far off from being good (2) the look of this incoming class (3) thinking about all the Lick haters eating crow for the next few seasons
  10. M

    Basketball passion is alive

    First, who cares what color he is? Why would that be relevant at all? Second, we're fine, calm down. We knew coming in that this season would be rough. Did anyone really think before this season started that we were going to be better than we are?
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    Basketball passion is alive

    I have to call foul on the only watching college basketball on Saturdays in 1985. I grew up in South Dakota and watched damn near every Hawkeye game on TV. KCAU out of Sioux City used to air them. On a sidenote, my high school team ran an offense called we called "Hawk" whenever the other...
  12. M

    Barta asks WHO-TV for apology

    I can't believe there's a single Hawkeye fan or human being for that matter that would defend WHO for airing this crap. I posted a few days ago about giving John Lickliter a break and most of the responses were along the lines of "we're not criticizing him, we just think he's playing too many...
  13. M

    Give it a rest already

    From the same page, turnovers 71 vs 5 and I could say the same thing about assists in relation to taking the ball to the basket. That's not my point though. I'm not saying John is the best point guard on the team. I'm just saying give the kid a break. The level of criticism here is not...
  14. M

    Give it a rest already

    I've been reading the posts on this board for a while and have finally gotten to a point where I had to register so i could vent a little. I know we are all Hawk fans here and thus likely not very objective when we watch the games but you guys need to lay off John Lickliter. I doubt we would...