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  1. M

    Full cost scholarships are on the way

    I don't think you're understanding the situation here. All the athletes must receive the same benefits. It's guaranteed by law. Whether you think it's fair or not is, as treychase said, irrelevant. They absolutely have to do so or they will be in violation of Title 9. But hey, I suggest you...
  2. M

    An intriguing little correlation

    OK, let's say you could accurately assign the label of quality player. Even if you're accurate, there's going to be significant error, but let's ignore that altogether. You said that Iowa almost always has a strong defense. If we accept that you're accurate, what you've proven is that when...
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    Drop Title IX: No More Free Rides

    I'm not sure where I come down on this issue. I don't think it's a simple one, but everything is about money. At least with departments like History and English one can argue that the greater benefit to society in the future makes the investment worth it. Can anyone honestly argue that an...
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    Kicker Situation

    Kickers get less distance as the season goes on. The weather is a big factor and the kicker's have become tired. There are fewer overall touchbacks in November than there are in September. It's because of those reasons.
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    Academic scholarships are renewed each year and many do lose them. This is said in response to the problem with oversigning all the time. However, academics is an area that translates to college with great success. Those who are smart in high school are almost certainly going to smart in...
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    It's not our job to have a solution for this. Plenty of things are complained about with offering solutions. We expect those in charge to come up with reasonable solutions. It's our job to point out injustices as we see them if those in power refuse to do so.
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    Jon, I don't disagree with you. I don't even think polls should start as soon as you do. To be honest, I see no reason for them to come out until week 9 or week 10. At that point we have a pretty good idea where teams rank relative to one another. I'm wondering if anybody has ever looked...
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    Fair enough, but I don't agree that you can't lose that much and still be a top 5 team. It makes it a lot harder, but recruiting is a factor and Texas' recruiting over the last 5 years has been in the top 5 in the nation. It stands to reason they have very talented players to fill in. I'm not...
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    For what it's worth, Hall of Fame voters in baseball often publish their ballots now and when criticized or asked to defend a choice, they get snippy and often resort to personal attacks for the person simply asking a question. I think we'd end up with a situation like that if there was more...
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    Correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't that poll consider heavily the human polls too? But there are going to be errors no matter what. You're right. We can't stop that from happening no matter what system we devise to rank the teams. I just think we end up with fewer errors with a...
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    I'm not defending CFN's rankings. As I said, I didn't read them closely. As for the bias issue, the only real way to avoid that kind of bias is for computerized rankings, independent of human rankings. I favor that idea and have for a long time. With all the information we have today about...
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    To put it another way, the objective data that is used in rankings is the relative strength of each team while the objective data used in projections, forecasts (and even most predictions) includes the relative strength of each team and their schedules. Neither method is wrong. It's just a...
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    De-constructing a Popular Preseason Poll

    I agree. I think a lot of the confusion is the difference between predictions, projections, forecasts and rankings. I liked Jon's article article, but he seemed to confuse projections and predictions while at the same time talking about rankings. These are not the same thing. Jon, like...