J Leman

You guys didnt see this coming?
Track the % of team programming on the BTN.
ILL is on that network more than any other team. No matter the sport or program (The Journey).
Remember, its still head quartered in Chicago and the same old boy rules still apply in that city. For everything.
Its a shame too. I thought Jon did a good job.
when Zook gets canned do you think they will start a new show hilighting the struggles of recently unemployed coach trying to find work in a D1 program?
Wow, I didn't know they kept the show. That sucks for Jon that they just dropped them and kept the show, what a shot to the Ego.

We all have egos, sure...getting bumped from the show stinks only as far as just being a guy and not wanting for that to happen...sort of a competition thing. But it happens, and life goes on. Nobody in my family is sick or hurt, so in the grand scheme of things, that 'ego' part of it was pretty much over and done for me yesterday.
Correct. J Leman sucked big time. And yes, creepy, too. As for Illannoy hogging the network, I would have to agree.

Holy ****, I cannot believe they dumped Jon for these guys.

We all have egos, sure...getting bumped from the show stinks only as far as just being a guy and not wanting for that to happen...sort of a competition thing. But it happens, and life goes on. Nobody in my family is sick or hurt, so in the grand scheme of things, that 'ego' part of it was pretty much over and done for me yesterday.

You'll get another shot Jon no doubt in my mind and will do a great job. Think you just drew the short straw with a partner in LeCharles.
I thought they were trying to improve this show. Not sure I would call that crap an upgrade. I know Deace used to talk about how braindead the BTN is...starting to agree. I think they would be better off just putting more old games on.
Leman was awful! LB wuld have been better than him. BTN, you almost have it right but here is my advice. Drop Leman and bring Miller back.
Unsolicited advice to Jon:

1. Stick with WHO. You will be a legend there. It is the top radio station in Iowa.

2. Get an afternoon show on WHO. Why not at 5 pm, after Matt and Miller? You do a great job - come on from 6-7 pm - call it the "Hawkeye Hour" - why not?

3. BTN will continue to hire Illinois and Northwestern guys anyway - why worry about it?

4. Follow Keith Murphy's plan for life - Keith had numerous opportunities to jump to the national stage. He never took them because his family came first. Keith is the absolute best in the business, and what a great job he does on his radio show. An absolute pro and an awesome talent.

5. P.S. LeCharles stinks
You'll get another shot Jon no doubt in my mind and will do a great job. Think you just drew the short straw with a partner in LeCharles.

I agree, put Jon with Rick Pizzo and it would have been pretty good. J Leman is as bad as LeCharles and he needs to go and Tim Doyle isn't much better.

Someone should tell the BTN that they don't always need ex athletes and coaches from Big Ten schools to do shows as others know just as much if not more.
so when did all of this go down?? i was all excited to watch the pulse last night and was shocked to not see Jon.. To keep the same name seems pretty classy BTN!! Unlike some of you i didn't mind Lecharles, wasn't great, but not as bad as those guys on last nite, the show took two steps back imo. I thought it was close to being as bad as those idiots that hosted friday night tailgate a few years back.....sorry Jon i wouldn't lose too much sleep over it..
We all have egos, sure...getting bumped from the show stinks only as far as just being a guy and not wanting for that to happen...sort of a competition thing. But it happens, and life goes on. Nobody in my family is sick or hurt, so in the grand scheme of things, that 'ego' part of it was pretty much over and done for me yesterday.

Jon, I'll say this for the new "version": it was funny. Unfortunately, it wasn't a "ha-ha" funny.
Clearly,they made changes to the format. Instead of a laundry list of topics covered in a minute each like PTI, they went to a more indepth discussion of only like 3 topics. I think they could have found a happy medium,say, 5 minutes/topic,and cover like 4-5 topics. Leman and Doyle are nothing special. Doyle pulled out his pet sayings that now sound very dated and redundant since he has been using them for a couple of years of BTN bb analysis. I think they should have gone with football guys til the season is over, then bb guys in bb season. I thought the old version with Jon was fine,and doubt that this will be received with any hosannas.
when Zook gets canned do you think they will start a new show hilighting the struggles of recently unemployed coach trying to find work in a D1 program?



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