Brian's last stand, Iowa vs Vols Game Thread

What the bell was Iowa defender doing there??? Attack the player with the ball don’t just stand there and watch him advance the ball.
It doesn't matter. Just give it to them. Dingus Deek isn't going to do anything to get us a score anyway. It could be 2-0 and we'd have little to no hope.
After the game, they need to strap Brian down to one of those barber chairs and give him a Cheez-It haircut as a proper send off.
Let's just call a spade a spade and give credit due. This whole cluster F in on one person and deserves 100% credit! KF! He so far behind next years team will be Wearing leather helmets
Who's in charge of Iowa's recruiting? KF's son-in-law of course. Besides Barnett, the recruiting coordinator needs to go. Let's get KF's family (including by marriage) completely out of the picture.
It doesn’t matter anymore.

No one could recruit a good offensive player with this product. Our goose is cooked.

Give me one single reason why a good QB, OL, or WR would come here?