KF comments on Wegher situation tonight

what if it were paki omeara and not BW?

Or Hundertmark? My hunch now is that we will never know if either one is still on scholly. In a selfish way, it does effect me in the manner of if it causes a distraction to the team and doesnt play the way I hope they do, Im going to bawl my eyes out.
Or Hundertmark? My hunch now is that we will never know if either one is still on scholly. In a selfish way, it does effect me in the manner of if it causes a distraction to the team and doesnt play the way I hope they do, Im going to bawl my eyes out.

Yeah I honestly couldn't care less if he is on scholly or not.
If we really want Wegher back to be the end result, this is a best-case scenario for that to happen eventually.

As previously stated, the kid has lived & breathed football (and all that goes into it), for 6 years now. It used to be easy back when you were a kid & school was a breeze. I don't think we realize jjust how much blood, sweat, & tears goes into being a part of this program -- often for relatively little payoff. He used to have one thing he could focus on and it came with quite a bit of success & notoriety - Now he has the books & a personal issue as well (the latter two won't get you much praise).

Even with many successes, last year was prolly a tough one for BW...We all saw glimpses of his talent & athletecism...but for the most part, it was a struggle (and his body took a pounding like it never had). Now, we are looking at the prostpects of a healthy Jewel Hamption, along with the guy that many thought was more productive than you last year. All of this probably played a role - albeit perhaps a small one - too.

Now, he needs to get away. And better to make a clean break, until spring at least, then try to jump back in when you're not 100% committed, only to step away again. Coaches, teammates, (and obviously message board lunatics) would lose patience & you would lose credibility if this were to happen.

Step away. Keep him on scholarship for this year while he (in good faith) gets things straightened out.

The fact that he's A.) In class & B.) In class in Iowa City - tell me that come spring, he's going to want to play football again...and the opportunity here will be the obvious one. If A or B change between now & spring, that will not bode well...otherwise, I'll bet 3 to 1 he comes back next year.
While some posters in this thread have hit the nail on the head, others have shown they value football waaaay too much. Sad really.

Actually I taught at Iowa. One of the things that Student Health and student services impressed upon us was that psychological issues are health issues. This kid ran into the endzone and flashed his Tiger Hawk gloves on National television scoring the decisive TD in a BCS game and now he is out of football.

Sorry guys, but you don't do that if you are in good psychological health. He is in the middle of a serious emotional crisis. Just because his health concern does not involve physical damage does not mean it isn't just as serious. Take a look at the health impact of alcoholism, drug addiction, paranoid schizophrenia, depression, etc., before you spout off about health issues.

Why couldn't he decide to quit and still be in good health? What difference does flashing his gloves make? Maybe he's been playing football his whole life because he's good at it and not because he likes it. People get burnt out with sports it happens at different stages in different peoples lives. Maybe he's finally reached that point.

Your obsession with BW is a little creepy, between this and all your demands for Jon to track him down to get to the bottom of the story, and calling out all the media for not pressing the issue with Kirk, why do you feel so personally involved in what BW is going through?
If they revoke his scholarship can they give him another one later on?

I agree, I don't think he deserves the scholarship. His decisions alone got him in the situation he's in, whether he can handle his situation or not is his problem. Not only are there walk-ons on the team that would LOVE that scholarship, there's thousands of kids in Iowa that played football and would love to have the opportunity he was given. Yet, he still gets his scholarship even tho he got himself into a "murky" situation. I don't blame Ferentz for having his players back... he's a loyal guy I can understand that. I just don't think he deserves it unless he's doing his part.

The other issue I see here is his academics. Playing football provides structure and discipline to kids who are at a vulnerable age. Playing football likely kept him motivated to pass his classes. Although it sounds like he's in class right now how do we really know? Because he told Ferentz that? Of course he's gonna tell Ferentz that, and he has no choice but to believe him. I'm not trying to dog the kid, but it sounds like school doesn't exactly come easy for him. Even if he's in class, if he's not motivated he won't pass. It will take some serious discipline on his part to not only stay in class, but be successful.
If they revoke his scholarship can they give him another one later on?

I agree, I don't think he deserves the scholarship. His decisions alone got him in the situation he's in, whether he can handle his situation or not is his problem. Not only are there walk-ons on the team that would LOVE that scholarship, there's thousands of kids in Iowa that played football and would love to have the opportunity he was given. Yet, he still gets his scholarship even tho he got himself into a "murky" situation. I don't blame Ferentz for having his players back... he's a loyal guy I can understand that. I just don't think he deserves it unless he's doing his part.

The other issue I see here is his academics. Playing football provides structure and discipline to kids who are at a vulnerable age. Playing football likely kept him motivated to pass his classes. Although it sounds like he's in class right now how do we really know? Because he told Ferentz that? Of course he's gonna tell Ferentz that, and he has no choice but to believe him. I'm not trying to dog the kid, but it sounds like school doesn't exactly come easy for him. Even if he's in class, if he's not motivated he won't pass. It will take some serious discipline on his part to not only stay in class, but be successful.

If the rumors are true, I think his personal issues will likely be more than enough to motivate him to get a degree.
Last and final on anything Wegher related...IMO once B-weg watches this team from the sidelines, he will get his fire back (if its even out). Guy has a lot on his plate, he is YOUNG, and has plenty of time to shred future defenses. I see this as a positive future situation for B-weg and the hawks. Luck to him.
I don't know the stipulations to remain eligible for an NCAA athletic scholarship but I'm sure the coaches and academic advisors do and if BW is allowed to remain on scholly this year while he works this out, he will, and so be it. I don't have a problem either way.

I'm guessing the group to whom this is the biggest distraction is the fan base and particularly message board posters who fill three and a half pages on essentially a dead subject in little more than 12 hours. Further guessing the team and staff have moved well past BW.
"If the rumors are true, I think his personal issues will likely be more than enough to motivate him to get a degree."

I certainly hope you're right. No one really knows where his mind is at this point tho. What if his kid is with his/her mother and not in Iowa City? What if they aren't together anymore? There is just too many variables to the situation (not to mention way too many rumors). Either way he has a lot on his mind... I hope he can focus on academics. The most important thing is to get his degree but he won't do that if he can't keep his priorities straight.
I was thinking the same thing . . . It worked out okay when Shonn Greene stepped away and got his life and priorities straight.

He's a young adult transitioning between his teenage years and adulthood. With the things we have heard it's easy to see why somebody in his situation could get confused and stretched thin. Let him work it out. I really hope this discussion dies soon and he can go about his business. Maybe then he can get his business in order and come back next year if he wants with a renewed purpose. He could be the next "Shonn Greene" type story for the team.
SG didnt have a choice. IMO, from everything said, I just dont think BW wants to play football any more. Which would be harder to focus on, football or school? For me, its a no brainer, I hated school. Even KF said his heart wasnt into it. Thank you BW for a great year and good luck in your endeavours. As for the scholly, leave him on it for this semester. If he is still not with the team after that, yank the scolly.
I think this is being treated like Hampton's injury from last year. Just consider it a mental injury. Do you think a kid that is only half way invested mentally will be very successful. I'd rather have him redshirt, take care of his "health" issues and comeback full strength the next season.
The scholarship is at Kirk's discretion. Was reported last night that Kirk said BW still on scholarship. That could be revoked in January if BW stays in school but does not re-join team.
He could be given scholarship again later. OR, he coudl be put in same situation as Tillison and told he has to walk on. Tillison is in last year but BW may have time to earn scholarship again.
It is all up to Kirk and he is one with firsthand information on the situation.
You fellas need to realize that one man does not make a team.

The Hawks will be fine without Brandon this year. Whatever he's dealing with, hopefully he gets things figured out.

Move on.
Why couldn't he decide to quit and still be in good health? What difference does flashing his gloves make? Maybe he's been playing football his whole life because he's good at it and not because he likes it. People get burnt out with sports it happens at different stages in different peoples lives. Maybe he's finally reached that point.

Your obsession with BW is a little creepy, between this and all your demands for Jon to track him down to get to the bottom of the story, and calling out all the media for not pressing the issue with Kirk, why do you feel so personally involved in what BW is going through?

Actually, I could care less about BW. My concerns are really directed at people on this board and the Iowa media. Having lived other places I realized that Iowa media really does let KF get away with stuff that media at other places wouldn't put up with.

For instance, when Memphis' new coach closed practices to the media this year, there was a huge uproar and some have indicated that they will not report on the team. Iowa's media just rolls over. As far as Jon is concerned, I indicated that he isn't a journalist, so I didn't hold him to that standard. But the rest of the Iowa sports media is pretty weak. My concern with Jon is that if the media doesn't do their job, we are kind of left to speculate among ourselves.

The issue I am discussing today is about someone distinguishing BW's condition as not health related because he is not physically injured. Sorry, but that is a very narrow understanding of health.

And BTW, I do research on nurses and burnout. Burnout is a psychological condition as it involves a significant existential crisis in which the individual feels they must leave a career that requires substantial preparation and commitment to enter.

But, I think the bigger issue is your creepy obsession with me.
Actually, I could care less about BW. My concerns are really directed at people on this board and the Iowa media. Having lived other places I realized that Iowa media really does let KF get away with stuff that media at other places wouldn't put up with.

For instance, when Memphis' new coach closed practices to the media this year, there was a huge uproar and some have indicated that they will not report on the team. Iowa's media just rolls over. As far as Jon is concerned, I indicated that he isn't a journalist, so I didn't hold him to that standard. But the rest of the Iowa sports media is pretty weak. My concern with Jon is that if the media doesn't do their job, we are kind of left to speculate among ourselves.

The issue I am discussing today is about someone distinguishing BW's condition as not health related because he is not physically injured. Sorry, but that is a very narrow understanding of health.

And BTW, I do research on nurses and burnout. Burnout is a psychological condition as it involves a significant existential crisis in which the individual feels they must leave a career that requires substantial preparation and commitment to enter.

But, I think the bigger issue is your creepy obsession with me.

As a journalism major at the U, I agree with you to a degree. We learn plenty about how to get information from sources, but we also take classes to learn where to draw the line between "NEED to know" and "WANT to know". There are certainly a lot of people who WANT to know what's going on with Wegher. This is not Watergate, though a lot of people treat as Weghergate. It's a personal issue, he is NOT such a public figure that we have to know about his private life. When he commits a crime, sure. But his personal life is (and should be) his business, no one else's.

Though I admit there are other instances with KF and the media where this doesn't really apply, and the media SHOULD dig deeper, this is not one of those cases.
I wish he was going to be on the team this year, because he is a good athlete and there will be a game this year that we will need him.

However, I wish him well and I hope to see him playing for the Hawks next year.