Iowa band had issues at the game on Sat...

Lets see some evidence you seriously think she would be totally separated from the entire band for this to happen.....quit making shit up
Lets see some evidence you seriously think she would be totally separated from the entire band for this to happen.....quit making shit up

Maybe she went to the restroom and wasn't with the band. There's all kinds of possibilities ass hat!
I think "townies" were a big part of the problem. Some of the guys I saw harassing people were definitely not students.

Exactly right, it wasn't the students in was the "townies". I almost came to blows with a dude who threw beer on us because we were talking smack back to them. It was ridiculous. They were looking for trouble. There were a few of us that would have pounded some sense into a few of them...but we were grossly outnumbered by the thugs where were drinking before the game. It was the typical macho bullshit that comes from numbers...otherwise no way it gets to that point if these guys were four or five. It was a group of 20 and one dude was trying to be king shit. My guess was that at some point he was going to mistake maturity for fear and go too far and get his ass handed to him.
Seriously.....if things were so bad.....your telling me that not a single band member got their phone out to record what was supposedly happening and record it so they could post it on facebook or instagram?
I don't follow band member on social media I hope that loss to your team to Iowa really, really hurts. I hope it eats at you for the next 365 some days. You sure are quick to judge all this. We will all find out soon enough
Exactly right, it wasn't the students in was the "townies". I almost came to blows with a dude who threw beer on us because we were talking smack back to them. It was ridiculous. They were looking for trouble. There were a few of us that would have pounded some sense into a few of them...but we were grossly outnumbered by the thugs where were drinking before the game. It was the typical macho bullshit that comes from numbers...otherwise no way it gets to that point if these guys were four or five. It was a group of 20 and one dude was trying to be king shit. My guess was that at some point he was going to mistake maturity for fear and go too far and get his ass handed to him.
You can find video of Arizona fans being really nasty to some Iowa fans during the game on Youtube. Type something in the subject line like..... Arizona fans harassing Iowa fans in 2010 football game
I did a lot of road trips with the band way back when and have done a lot of away games as a fan. It's no fallacy, there's a special douche-baggery that rears its head in Ames on a regular basis. Fact.

You can find one-off examples most anywhere of course...but it's consistently there in ames. Only the road trip to Arizona in 2010 surpasses it.

I was in Tucson for that game. I didn't expect it, but those fans were the WORST!
You can find video of Arizona fans being really nasty to some Iowa fans during the game on Youtube. Type something in the subject line like..... Arizona fans harassing Iowa fans in 2010 football game

They were brutal to my wife and I walking to the game. The neighborhoods on the way to the car after the game were sketchy and we just wanted to get the hell out of ...hell.
You can find video of Arizona fans being really nasty to some Iowa fans during the game on Youtube. Type something in the subject line like..... Arizona fans harassing Iowa fans in 2010 football game
Thank you for proving my point. If this stuff happened at the game saturday, it would have blown up on social media by now with videos on the 6 pm newscast by now
Do you think Pollard will give two shits about this? He seems like the kind of guy who will carry this loss and grudge around for the next 365 days. Knowing his personality, he probably is glad those ISU students did what they did.

Despite the fact that this was "the year" for ISU to beat Iowa, plus the rain delays, plus college game day, plus the trick plays against a depleted secondary, plus the huge energy from the ISU fan base....we won. F them. I love how they must feel, knowing that they have to wait another year.

Put those "BEAT IOWA" shirts back in the closets for another year. We own Jack Trice (Thrice)?
Thank you for proving my point. If this stuff happened at the game saturday, it would have blown up on social media by now with videos on the 6 pm newscast by now
WRONG! those AU fans weren't throwing full cans of beer at the IA fans in that video or making threats towards Iowa's Golden Girl. There is a reason why Barta is looking into this, but according to your warped mind, there shouldn't be.
Per another Iowa site.............................

"The band is meeting with Athletic Dept reps at tomorrow's rehearsal to provide more info. From what she saw (and told me yesterday) A). one Iowa Band TA was slapped by a female ISU fan when fan was asked not to cut through the band while they're marching (lady was trying to go in front of percussion which is not smart. B..After the game, the band went on the field to line up to march back to buses. This is what they were told to do by ISU staff. When on field an ISU Athletics employee got in the HMB director's face and told him to "get his f***ing band off the field. Band director explained situation. Employee yelled he didn't care, get f'in band off field. Director ended up taking picture of employee to make report. Got apology email from person before band made it to IC. Another TA (female) was evidently shoved into band while carrying ladder. Also beer cans were shaken opened and rolled under the band while they were marching to spray beer on the members and trip them as they marched. Child said also standard drunk student stuff, but the above stuff was done by adults. Band has been asked not to speak with media until after this is over..."
Thank you for proving my point. If this stuff happened at the game saturday, it would have blown up on social media by now with videos on the 6 pm newscast by now

I grew up in central Iowa with a pretty strong dislike for ISU. It sort of waned over the years as I lived in Madison, Chicago, and now Denver.

However, this year brought me back. LOVE beating you d bags.