
One of the hosts has “Something interesting on Iowa.” I’ll report when they get to it, might be a little while.
Rumor is a possible mutual parting of ways between Iowa and Kirk! Source just doesn't know if Kirk is ready to walk away
Wow! Sounds like perhaps it is time for a mutual parting of the ways. At least, it is a rumor being reported.
The question was to a "source" close to KF: Any truth that KF might consider a mutual parting of the ways?
Answer: "I think that's what he should do. But I don't know if he's ready to do that."
If it does happen that way, it's really sort of sad. KF needed to make changes to modernize his program and the fans would applauded him for and allowed a fresh restart. Still only a rumor, but at least we can feel comfortable that kf could be thinking about it.
The host said he had a “guy in Iowa he talks to” contact him, asking if he had also heard that Kirk and Iowa were going to come to a mutual agreement and part ways. The host reached out to several sources in the program who declined to comment. Then he reached out to someone close to Kirk who said he thinks its time for Kirk to move on, and that he believes Kirk knows that, but that he’s not sure Kirk is ready. Also, the source said that “you don’t want to be where you aren’t wanted.” The host seemed really intrigued by the whole situation. No mention of coordinators the whole time.
ummmm, this doesn't make a lot of sense. "Maybe a mutual parting of ways, just doesn't know if Kirk is ready to walk away"
ummmm, this doesn't make a lot of sense. "Maybe a mutual parting of ways, just doesn't know if Kirk is ready to walk away"

I would think any reasonable person wouldn't want to make a rushed decision. I'd bet kfootball is asking himself how much more he has in the tank. It's legit stance from a human perspective.
It was reported on a weekly radio show out of Baton Rouge. It was reported from a "source close to KF." So, if you think Tirrell is close to KF, have at it.

i have been following these guys for a couple years on twitter. they are as legit as they come. it doesn't mean KF is leaving but if they heard something then it is a possibility. I am sure Kirk is considering a lot right now. Hopefully if he decides to leave it happens soon so Iowa has a chance at hiring a good coach and good recruiter.
so whos the "mutual agreement" with? Is Gary Barta forcing him to think about his future as head Hawk? I
That would be in the best interests of all of us, however that would leave Gary Barta in charge of a coaching search which many of us believe he is incompetent to handle. Either way I'd take Kirk gone irrespective of the new coach.