Zook last night


Active Member
I could not help shake my head at RZ last night at the Alamo Bowl. They are leading by a large margin and they run a naked bootleg for a touchdown. Then RZ jumps around like they just won the Rose Bowl. Even Speilman said it was tacky. KF did the right thing at the end of our game. I really wanted AR to end his career with that TD.
Did I watch a replay of an old Alamo Bowl because the one I saw last night was Oklahoma St and Arizona. Just messing with you, I agree it was tacky but for the people in the other thread that wanted KF to score at the end of the Iowa game shouldn't have a problem with it even if it was Zook.
Who gives a crap. Talking heads were talking all bowl season about how the big ten sucks and we're no good. I'm glad Zooker did what he did, and I wish he went for 2. I hope that Wiscy puts up 80 on TCU and BB is throwing TD passes and using Timeouts with less than a minute to go. Same with tOSU.
Is Zook on the hot seat? Maybe that was his last game and he didn't care how he looked. For me, I hope he stays. He's always good for a laugh.
Zook is a classless POS! The Baylor coach was classy enough to cover his mouth during the post game handshake when he said something to Zook. The QB could have gotten the 1st down and took a knee with the game in hand like it was. Zook is a bully when he has the chance, what would his reaction be if that happened to him? I'm sure Zook would have been mad as hell and hitting the weight room after the game to blow off some steam. For those of you that think it's cool, how would you feel if that was Iowa and Zook pulling that crap, sometimes you need to put yourselves in others shoes.
For those of you that think it's cool, how would you feel if that was Iowa and Zook pulling that crap, sometimes you need to put yourselves in others shoes.

I would say its good for us. Maybe it will wake some players up and be a teaching lesson for them. You either come ready to play or you get beatdown. NO taking plays off no matter what the score is.
I would say its good for us. Maybe it will wake some players up and be a teaching lesson for them. You either come ready to play or you get beatdown. NO taking plays off no matter what the score is.
LMAO, seriously. When the game is 31-14 with little time in the fourth quarter left? Baylor wasn't out there ripping at the ball trying to get it back. Zook is a POS and that play has no place in college football. If it were pro I wouldn't care less but you don't pull that kind of crap on kids. With the score the way it was I'm sure Baylor had 2nd or 3rd string guys in there to. Teaching them a lesson is just plain stupid at that point in the game.
LMAO, seriously. When the game is 31-14 with little time in the fourth quarter left? Baylor wasn't out there ripping at the ball trying to get it back. Zook is a POS and that play has no place in college football. If it were pro I wouldn't care less but you don't pull that kind of crap on kids. With the score the way it was I'm sure Baylor had 2nd or 3rd string guys in there to. Teaching them a lesson is just plain stupid at that point in the game.

Quit with they are just kids comments. They are men. If that TD really bothered them, then you need to find a different sport. Need thick skin to play football. Only people that plays like that bother are fans. It doesnt hurt the players feelings. Grow up people.
Quit with they are just kids comments. They are men. If that TD really bothered them, then you need to find a different sport. Need thick skin to play football. Only people that plays like that bother are fans. It doesnt hurt the players feelings. Grow up people.

I think by "kids", he means amateurs. This isn't the NFL.
zook has been, is, and will remain a punchline and a laughingstock.
Nothing he does is respectable, from recruiting to player development to game management. He's a C-grade person and a C-grade football coach.
His players are a reflection of him: total jerks who run their mouths and dance around like fools after making basic plays, despite their obvious mediocrity.
F zook and F illannoy.
Quit with they are just kids comments. They are men. If that TD really bothered them, then you need to find a different sport. Need thick skin to play football. Only people that plays like that bother are fans. It doesnt hurt the players feelings. Grow up people.
I know it more than likely dosn't hurt their feelings but there is a thing call integrity isn't there? Obviously your to big of a man that has thick skin and doesn't care about feelings but what if that was your football team out there? 18-21 year old kids on the team are just that, KIDS. These kids put in a heck of a lot of time in the weight room, class room, practice field to have the chance to play and then to have that BS move put on them is low class. I exspect that kind of crap from Illinois but not Iowa and most of Iowa's fan base. It's moves like that for which Zook will have his *** handed to him by the karma god's. KF and a heck of a lot of other coaches would have never pulled that move on any team. If you were the Baylor HC would you have been happy with that play? Or if you were in Zooks shoes would you have done the same thing?
I know it more than likely dosn't hurt their feelings but there is a thing call integrity isn't there? Obviously your to big of a man that has thick skin and doesn't care about feelings but what if that was your football team out there? 18-21 year old kids on the team are just that, KIDS. These kids put in a heck of a lot of time in the weight room, class room, practice field to have the chance to play and then to have that BS move put on them is low class. I exspect that kind of crap from Illinois but not Iowa and most of Iowa's fan base. It's moves like that for which Zook will have his *** handed to him by the karma god's. KF and a heck of a lot of other coaches would have never pulled that move on any team. If you were the Baylor HC would you have been happy with that play? Or if you were in Zooks shoes would you have done the same thing?

If im Baylors head coach im not mad at Zooker, IM ****** that my defense couldnt stop Illinois offense. People this is not paty cake give everybody a tropy no hurt feelings little league.
If im Baylors head coach im not mad at Zooker, IM ****** that my defense couldnt stop Illinois offense. People this is not paty cake give everybody a tropy no hurt feelings little league.
LMAO! Obviously your a real big man with your comments about giving everyone a trophy. I wasn't raised in an era where they gave everyone a trophy for being a part of the fun. I was rasied to keep my mouth shut and do my job at home or if I was playing or practicing a sport. If you think Baylor's coach wasn't ****** your wrong, he covered his mouth with his hand while saying something to Zook. You sound more like a Badger fan with your comments than a Hawkeye, did Zook have to look at his card like BB does to see if he should have run up the score? It's a matter of respect of which you have none. It's a matter of integrity of which you have none and it's a matter of commonsense to....................of which you have none. If you think it's cool to run up the score on 2nd and 3rd stringers then your a bully. 31-14 was the score with very little time left, no need to run a naked boot and let your QB walk into the endzone, take a knee and run out the clock.............but your to "manly" for that.
LMAO! Obviously your a real big man with your comments about giving everyone a trophy. I wasn't raised in an era where they gave everyone a trophy for being a part of the fun. I was rasied to keep my mouth shut and do my job at home or if I was playing or practicing a sport. If you think Baylor's coach wasn't ****** your wrong, he covered his mouth with his hand while saying something to Zook. You sound more like a Badger fan with your comments than a Hawkeye, did Zook have to look at his card like BB does to see if he should have run up the score? It's a matter of respect of which you have none. It's a matter of integrity of which you have none and it's a matter of commonsense to....................of which you have none. If you think it's cool to run up the score on 2nd and 3rd stringers then your a bully. 31-14 was the score with very little time left, no need to run a naked boot and let your QB walk into the endzone, take a knee and run out the clock.............but your to "manly" for that.

Yup your right, you are more of a hawkeye fan.

You were probably one of the kids playing sports who also cried after a close loss. Putting in so much hard work and time and to lose, now i need to cry about it to make myself feel better. You just seem like some kind of big whiner to me. Hopefully if you have boys of your own, they are a little tougher than you. You add to the Pussyfication of America.
ruh-roh, I believe we have an Internet Tuff Guy in our midst....

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