You can’t cover Cockburn with one player


Well-Known Member
Especially in a B1G semi-final officiated by a crew like this one assigned by the conference. Major lack of game planning by Fran and his brain trust.

He’s too big, too strong, even for Luka Garza. Fran should have gone with a 3-2 zone most of the way, collapsing on Cockburn to either deny the entry pass, force the travel or cause him to commit the foul seeking to get out of the double- or triple-team. The few times we did it today were effective.

Illinois is a strong, fast team, no denying that. Iowa’s improving defense did not adjust and was simply no match.
They tried to double down by sending various guys at him to help Luka and it just didn't work.
The guy is a fucking King Kong. Ate Lukas lunch.

Luka IS the poy for his consistency, every game, against anybody but he’s the 3rd best post player in the conference.

"King Kong"...uh oh... somebody's getting cancelled. Time to roll out the podium for your apology press conference. I the only one that shifts a little in my chair every time you hear his name pronounced?
The Cock gets called for a few of those body fouls, he prob doesn't log over 20 mins. Refs let it go, and he Shaqd us.
You see it happen every year. A Big Ten team plays physical all year because it's how it goes in the Big Ten. When the tourney comes around and they don't have Big Ten refs anymore, they can't play their game or will get in foul trouble early.
They tried to double down by sending various guys at him to help Luka and it just didn't work.
Don’t blame Luka on his defense, Luka got no weak side help and Cockburn was posting under the basket. Illinoy was dribble driving right past our D and hitting him where nobody could have stopped him. Luka is usually in good defensive position but when he had to play help defense on the penetration he had to leave Cockburn. Ayo was threading the needle on many of those passes. Garza still has a much better game than Cockburn, but the man is a beast. If Garza got those passes that low in the block he is unstoppable too.
I'm surprised Fran didn't put Ogundele in for more minutes. At least use his fouls to wear Cockburn down.
Agree. The way Cockburn was making it look easy why not send in Ogundele and tell him to be the best road block you can. If you get 5 fouls in 5 minutes so be it. Rather see Cockburn shoot FT than easy dunks.

The refs were letting him move at will with the ball regardless of how much pushing he exercised. There was no "holding your ground" yesterday. Will be interesting to see how the refs call his play today and what strategies OSU might employ to slow him down.
You see it happen every year. A Big Ten team plays physical all year because it's how it goes in the Big Ten. When the tourney comes around and they don't have Big Ten refs anymore, they can't play their game or will get in foul trouble early.

Correct. Every year. Been like 20 years bince the B1G has won the title. And every year some conference is the media darling, they tend to shit the bed hard in the tournament. I think OSU and Iowa are the best positioned conference teams to do well in the tourney, but Iowa's backcourt is gonna be a problem as we face better teams.
Stillbuster. Read the last sentence in your post. Now read it again. It completely eliminates logic and reason. Good grief.
I think the NCAA tourney bodes well for Iowa because I think there will be more fouls called on players trying to guard Garza
We shouldn’t feel too bad. I think OSU is finding out how hard it is to guard Kofi. It’s early but I think Illinois is going to roll.
I typically overreact though. After Michigan beat us I was going to crown them national champions. Now I’m ready to give it to Illinois.
I found myself hoping that down the road Ogundele can deevelop his body to have a similar type effect, tough inside.

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