

Well-Known Member
You don't risk a pass on 2nd and 1, but you do rely on a kicker to HAVE to run over 40 yards or time runs out without scoring at all??? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.......I've seen everything!!!! Wait, no I haven't.....there is still one half of Klunk Ferments ball left.....snort. BTW, there are three (3) things you NEVER do on 2nd and 1 or 3rd and wide, run a slow developing delayed hand off, run your smallest back up the gut. Hey nail.....prepare to meet coffin.
You don't risk a pass on 2nd and 1, but you do rely on a kicker to HAVE to run over 40 yards or time runs out without scoring at all??? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.......I've seen everything!!!! Wait, no I haven't.....there is still one half of Klunk Ferments ball left.....snort. BTW, there are three (3) things you NEVER do on 2nd and 1 or 3rd and wide, run a slow developing delayed hand off, run your smallest back up the gut. Hey nail.....prepare to meet coffin.

Kurt liked that standing O and the huge cheer he got last week for trying a fake FG. Wanted it again.
One of the all time dumbest coaches at clock management...

I mean its just flabbergasting... I mean I get the element of deception in the clock run off.

But now you are betting your KICKER can out run the entire defense on the last play of the half.

It's mind boggling.
Stunned as to the poor end of half play calling, time management, and decision to try a fake FG from 40 yards out and no time on the clock. Kill the clock to set up a fake field goal?

Unbelievable to play that conservatively and then attempt a fake field goal with such a low percentage chance of succeeding.
We lose this game, and every sports writer in Iowa would be justified in calling for his dismissal...and I am being serious. Let the school ban every writer next week and watch the national media laugh it's a** off over this god awful pathetic situation.
I wouldn't mind the call except for the bone headed calls before hand. If they had actually made an effort to score or try to get the first down then why not risk it but I am positive points were left on the board and we were fortunate they played really well the second half. At least there some things to keep it interesting and keep the other coaches guessing. A few years ago we would have seen the kneel down at both the half at at the end of the game and it would have been much more stressful
You don't risk a pass on 2nd and 1, but you do rely on a kicker to HAVE to run over 40 yards or time runs out without scoring at all??? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.......I've seen everything!!!! Wait, no I haven't.....there is still one half of Klunk Ferments ball left.....snort. BTW, there are three (3) things you NEVER do on 2nd and 1 or 3rd and wide, run a slow developing delayed hand off, run your smallest back up the gut. Hey nail.....prepare to meet coffin.

Klunk Ferments? I thought his name was Kermit the Farts! Sheesh...
You don't risk a pass on 2nd and 1, but you do rely on a kicker to HAVE to run over 40 yards or time runs out without scoring at all??? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.......I've seen everything!!!! Wait, no I haven't.....there is still one half of Klunk Ferments ball left.....snort. BTW, there are three (3) things you NEVER do on 2nd and 1 or 3rd and wide, run a slow developing delayed hand off, run your smallest back up the gut. Hey nail.....prepare to meet coffin.

If they had NOT let the clock run, so that the fake attempt at least got the first down with some time on the clock, I'm OK with it. But letting it be the very last play of the half with NO opportunity for points was odd, to say the least.

But it shows confidence on the O/ST side of the ball, and maybe a little worry on the D-side, given Ott being injured.

As for nail meeting coffin, I know it's what you dearly wanted. Sorry you didn't get it. And you must be terribly conflicted with CJB bailing the staff out NOW, and not having complaints about last year stay at the forefront.

Cheer up. This might actually be a decent enough team that clock management is your only issue.
Yes, was a boneheaded call, shoulda took the 3 points with the distance at hand. There were a few of these wtf type calls, and hopefully coaches can get to smart football play calling before we are done.
It wasn't the fake that made it a dumb call... its that they ran out the time completely.

That element of it made it dumb.
Run it down to 10-15 secs or something... 7 at the least.

That way if you don't make it you still have time to get points or run another play.
First off, his name is Kirk. If you can't support the players and coaches that put their time and efforts into the program, maybe you should look into a blue blood program that has all the advantages that Iowa doesn't.

The element of surprise is what can really make the fake successful. I was taken off guard, and Iowa could have easily made the play.
In hindsight, this was a head scratcher, but lets look at it from Kirk's perspective in real time:

2nd and 2 - Kirk assumed we could run for 2 yards to move the chains, stop the clock, and have a 1st and 10 from the ISU 20. Not the most aggressive call, but not terrible. I also assume we can run for 2 yards against ISU at will.

We only got 1 yard. 2nd timeout called with 40 seconds left. Obviously calling the timeout is a good decision.

3rd and 1 coming off a timeout. Kirk assumed we could run for 1 yard, stop the clock, and have a fresh set of downs from the 20 to try something. Maybe he even had the 1st down play called already. Again, this is conservative, but I don't think its terrible. We got stuffed, loss of 1 yard.

So now the clock is running, its 4th and 2, and I think calling a timeout with 2 seconds left is the right call.

Up until this point, I don't think you can really 2nd guess anything Kirk did.

The fake FG was the weird call. It got 16 of the 22 needed yards for a score, and I think I would have taken the 3 points, but whatever. It was fun, it was gutsy, and the team came out fired up in the 2nd half. Maybe that play contributed, maybe it didn't, but you're trading a high chance at 3 points for a slim chance at 7.

The thing I'm disappointed with on this set of downs is that 2nd and 2 and 3rd and 1 we couldn't run for a first down. That should be almost automatic, especially with 2 chances at it.
The only way for a fake FG call to work is to let the clock run down to 2 seconds left. If a timeout is called right after the third down fell short, there would be too much time on the clock, and raise suspicion that Iowa would either be going for it on 4th down, or possibly running a surprise out of the special teams. By letting the clock go down to 2 seconds, calling time out, and running the field goal unit out... absolutely no one suspected a fake was in the works.

I'm not saying I liked the call; I would've preferred the 3 points at the time. But if you're going to call it, it needs the element of surprise where no one suspects it. And in that regard, the fake was handled pretty well, IMO.
In hindsight, this was a head scratcher, but lets look at it from Kirk's perspective in real time:

2nd and 2 - Kirk assumed we could run for 2 yards to move the chains, stop the clock, and have a 1st and 10 from the ISU 20. Not the most aggressive call, but not terrible. I also assume we can run for 2 yards against ISU at will.

We only got 1 yard. 2nd timeout called with 40 seconds left. Obviously calling the timeout is a good decision.

3rd and 1 coming off a timeout. Kirk assumed we could run for 1 yard, stop the clock, and have a fresh set of downs from the 20 to try something. Maybe he even had the 1st down play called already. Again, this is conservative, but I don't think its terrible. We got stuffed, loss of 1 yard.

So now the clock is running, its 4th and 2, and I think calling a timeout with 2 seconds left is the right call.

Up until this point, I don't think you can really 2nd guess anything Kirk did.

The fake FG was the weird call. It got 16 of the 22 needed yards for a score, and I think I would have taken the 3 points, but whatever. It was fun, it was gutsy, and the team came out fired up in the 2nd half. Maybe that play contributed, maybe it didn't, but you're trading a high chance at 3 points for a slim chance at 7.

The thing I'm disappointed with on this set of downs is that 2nd and 2 and 3rd and 1 we couldn't run for a first down. That should be almost automatic, especially with 2 chances at it.

My thoughts exactly. Regarding your last sentence, getting the first down there WAS almost an automatic. That's why I was fine with the calls. It was almost a certainty that we would end up with a first down inside the 20 with plenty of time left. It just didn't work out that particular time. That's why it was ALMOST automatic.
The only way for a fake FG call to work is to let the clock run down to 2 seconds left. If a timeout is called right after the third down fell short, there would be too much time on the clock, and raise suspicion that Iowa would either be going for it on 4th down, or possibly running a surprise out of the special teams. By letting the clock go down to 2 seconds, calling time out, and running the field goal unit out... absolutely no one suspected a fake was in the works.

I'm not saying I liked the call; I would've preferred the 3 points at the time. But if you're going to call it, it needs the element of surprise where no one suspects it. And in that regard, the fake was handled pretty well, IMO.

If he was really running the clock down to add to the element of surprise, then I can stand behind his decision and I applaud his thought out trickery. It's something he hasn't been good at. I find it more likely though that he ran the clock down to kick the field goal, then came up with the idea to go for it after the fact.

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