Would you rather have Barta or Bowlsby?

Which AD would you want?

  • Barta

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Bowlsby

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • Both have done well

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Neither

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Too easy for me, Bowlsby in a landslide.

I just cannot decide if Gary will be most remembered for

1) 7 million dollar boat house,
2) Hiring Lickliter,
3) Golfing during a manjor football crisis, or
4) mediacom court
I wish you would have also included Bump Elliott.

Bowlsby was quite effective @ getting things done. Took a chance in Alford that didn't work out.

Elliott certainly had an eye for talent: Hayden Fry and Lute Olsen...not too shabby.
Bump Elliott in a landslide. Aside from going through a dozen different head football coaches in the 1970's, he had a knack for finding talent. This was the guy who hired and had on staff all at the same time at one point (1983):

Hayden Fry (and his gaggle of assistants who would be future-head-coaches)
Dan Gable
Lute Olson
C. Vivian Stringer
Bowlsby was a complete pro; he made a few mistakes as we all do; Barta looks good in a black blaser.
Bump Elliott in a landslide. Aside from going through a dozen different head football coaches in the 1970's, he had a knack for finding talent. This was the guy who hired and had on staff all at the same time at one point (1983):

Hayden Fry (and his gaggle of assistants who would be future-head-coaches)
Dan Gable
Lute Olson
C. Vivian Stringer

Bump is the king, hands down! Don't forget Mr. Davis, our all-time winningest coach.

Bowlsby stuck his foot in his mouth like a champ.

Barta, is smart enough to not open the mouth to allow the foot to enter...
Question for iahawk20.

Is Bump Elliott remembered for hiring Bob Commings, Frank Lauterbur (sp) and Dick Schultz?

I would ask those on this board how good does someone have to be to raise the money that was needed in the difficult economic times that we have been through for the new basketball facility? I realize that he has made mistakes, just like everyone does. But you are not realistic if you don't think he has done a pretty good job.

I am sure if we had the Internet back in the 1970s and 1980s that people that would have been on this board probably would have wanted to rum Bump out on a rail after the racial issues the football team went through when Denny Green played at Iowa and he hired several horrible football and basketball coaches.

Barta hired the current wrestling coach, correct? And if you say it was a no-brainer then how can you give Bump credit for hiring Gable? And if it was a no-brainer then why was the hire before him made incorrectly?

It isn't as easy as all of the knee-jerk reactionaries on this board would have one believe. Barta has done a fairly good job. I always find it interesting that a bunch of anonymous message board posters could run everything better than whoever is currently running things. Just an observation.
Re: Question for iahawk20.

Actually I think you are correct, Barta didn't start at Iowa until August of 06 and the first year for Brands was also in 06 as I think he was hired in the spring, so hiring Brands must have been one of the last things Bowlsby did.

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