Worst list of Best Stadium Experiences ever.

Coming in at #95:

Jack Trice is easy on the eyes, but empty seats are visible for nearly every game (unless Iowa State is taking on rival Iowa). There is only one word to describe the stadium experience, and it is one that the football team has been accustomed to hearing over the years – average.
Some butt hurt clown fans commenting on the article. The list isn't very good though. They must have got some at Indiana to get that high.
Not flaming ISU but I couldn't help but laugh seeing CMU at #69 and jack Trice at #95.

Edit: I realize as Hawk fans we like to kick ISU in the nuts every now and then, but I thought it was just a rivalry thing. Didn't realize the rest of america gets in on the fun too.
Indiana with that little football playground thing they got going on beyond the endzone looks more like a daycare than a legitimate D1 football stadium. What? They beat us last season? NVM.