Worst call by an umpire since Don Denkinger's World Series missed call (worse actually!)


Well-Known Member
Took a late lunch hour so i could catch the end of the Iowa-ILL Annoy losers bracket game. ILL Annoy scored 2 in the top of the 11th, so that Hawks needed to at least tie it up or go home.

Lead off double, a single and a walk load the bases with no one out. Next batter hits a slow roller to the 2nd baseman. He throws to the shortstop covering the bag, and the relay is not in time to get the runner at first. So, Hawks are now down only 1 run, with runners on 1st & 3rd, right? WRONG.

The ump at 2nd called interference on the Hawk who slid directly into 2nd. He did not touch the shortstop and the multiple replays confirmed he wasn't even close to the shortstop. He over slid 2nd a couple feet, but directly over the bag, and it did not impede the shortstop in the slightest. Additionally, it didn't happen until after the shortstop had made his late throw to first.

The B1G TV announcers were positive the call would be overturned on review. But a minute later the call was affirmed. Result: Runner at second OUT due to interference; batter out (even though he beat the throw) due to the interference, and the runners from 2nd and 3rd had to return to their respective bases. Coach Heller went apoplectic, and was tossed out of the game. The TV announcers both said they didn't blame him and said they would have reacted the same way.

The next Iowa batter struck out. So the Hawks lost 4 to 2, and their season is over. (Would the Hawks have scored with 1st & 3rd & 1 out? We'll never know. . .but they deserved the chance to try!)

Combine the agony of this one, with losing yesterday as the visiting team by giving up 3 consecutive walks with a runner on 1st & 2 out in extra innings to literally have a "walk" off run score to beat you--it's gonna be a long bus ride home.

Coach Heller is a very good coach. The Hawks will bounce back next season!
I'm no expert, but that was one of the worst baseball calls I have ever seen!
Even worse than the umpire that told me last week that when a batter makes contact and steps out of the batters box, it's automatically a foul ball? He then told me I need to read the rule book. The guy got on base and came around to score to end the game. Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Having said that, that interference call was BS. I'd like to know what the rationale was for calling that.
So weird they made the runners return to 2nd and 3rd. Letting them have the out at first at least is the right decision even if it's a bad call. But making the other batters go back doesn't even make sense.