wisky coaching staff


What is up with the coaches leaving Wisky staff? 4 this year and 2 last year. That will eventually catch up with you. Does that say anything about Bielma? Cannot be that great of a place to work if that many people are leaving.
They are leaving for better jobs, or promotions. To me is just shows he's a coach that has an eye for coaching talent and wants people around him that want to move up in the world. I don't think anyone questioned this when Hayden had coaches leaving for other jobs.
Weren't these all guys that Alvarez left behind? Not sure who is a true bielema guy there.
They are leaving for better jobs, or promotions. To me is just shows he's a coach that has an eye for coaching talent and wants people around him that want to move up in the world. I don't think anyone questioned this when Hayden had coaches leaving for other jobs.

no, but it killed the 2nd half of HF's career at iowa - speaking relatively, of course.

part of osborne's success at nebraska was keeping the same staff over a long period of time, maybe his whole time. are you saying his staff wasn't any good because they didn't leave?
no, but it killed the 2nd half of HF's career at iowa - speaking relatively, of course.

part of osborne's success at nebraska was keeping the same staff over a long period of time, maybe his whole time. are you saying his staff wasn't any good because they didn't leave?

Nope, I think Iowa's staff is great for the most part as it has continuity as well, but I don't think it is the end of the world when coaches leave. I'm sure Biels will find plenty of people wanting to move to Wisky.

I think HF would have loved to keep those guys, but part of what made them great was their drive, little complacency.

There's 2 ways to get things done and both can be successful.
I think there is more to it that leaving for better jobs. Pittsburg? I don't know if I call that a better job even if a title may come with it.
I think there is more to it that leaving for better jobs. Pittsburg? I don't know if I call that a better job even if a title may come with it.

I'm guessing the raise in pay and step forward in your career from DLine coach to DC is worth it even if it is Pitt. Now moving from one B10 school to another to have the same position, that is funny ;)
It is different when you have a coordinator leaving and taking everyone with him. That is not usually the case.
Looks like Chryst will take Bostad and there is a lot of smoke that Rudolph and Huxtable will follow Chryst to Pitt. Alexander their WR coach left for Arizona State today or yesterday.

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