Why isn't Dottie Sandusky getting more heat?

Because she isn't a high profile public figure. Same reason people on Second Mile board that were told about Sandusky showering with kids arent getting any heat.
good question, I had just assumed she would end up in jail with everyone else that helped cover this up.
It is really odd that she has not been charged with anything. 2nd mile folks need to be looked at thoroughly as well.
Thank you for teeing this back up for me. I am still laffy at this "separated at birf".


Mi gusta:
Because she isn't a high profile public figure. Same reason people on Second Mile board that were told about Sandusky showering with kids arent getting any heat.

I believe it's this. I believe there were plenty of average people like you and I that knew or suspected and did nothing.
She's one biotch I could care less about. I agree she had to have known she just had to. But having her live out of jail without him around now and an entire world pretty much hating her guts as she lives out the rest of her days is going to be a rough way to live too. Hopefully civil courts can dry her bank accounts at least.
Come on, guys, seriously? Have any of you ever been in love??

When you love someone, when you've built a life with someone, you WANT to believe the best of them. You WANT to give them the benefit of the doubt. You WANT them to be that person you can build the idealic life with. Because if they're not, then what do you have?

But, yes...in one sense, you're right. She probably knew...or at least suspected strongly. And I can almost guarantee you that when the house of cards finally crumbled, and she had no choice but to be honest...there was probably a moment of deep sadness when she had to admit as much to herself.

However, it's equally as true that no one in the world is as gullible and easy to lie to as yourself. When you want it desperately enough it's easy to buy the story, overlook the inconsistencies and dismiss the evidence as coincidence. It's easy to convince yourself that what you see isn't really what you see. And still small voices are easily silenced. Burying your head in the midst of a storm...well, that too can be easy. Sometimes the fear hiding behind the question "What if it's true?" seems too overwhelming to face.

Spouses, parents, siblings, best friends...untold masses throughout history have had to admit, after learning something terrible about a loved one, "I knew, but I didn't want to believe it."

I'm not giving her a free pass. But I am saying this isn't a case of her being sinister. It's a case of her being human.
Dottie mi gusta turned a blind eye just like too many others. She has blood on her hands.

so the same can be said for Joepa? maybe he was protecting his friend, not the institution. he sure as hell hasn't got the pass

so the same can be said for Joepa? maybe he was protecting his friend, not the institution. he sure as hell hasn't got the pass

Well, two things...

There's a difference between
a) absolutely knowing something, covering it up to protect the perpetrator (or another) and willfully letting the thing continue (which I did not claim about Dottie) and...

b) being emotionally compromised and unable to admit to yourself that someone you love is capable of such horrendous acts even in the face of your instincts telling you otherwise (which is the argument I made about his wife).
In JoePa's case, IC...it seems the former was the motivation.
You just can't put a grey bush in prison. It's totally uncivilized, even for a country who executes re tarded people.

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