Why are we throwing the ball sideways?


Well-Known Member
You can tell me that Vandy only threw to his outlet man because he wasnt looking downfield. I say BS. A lot of those are designed screens and 2 yard out routes. The old saying "run North and South" should apply to the passing game aswell. Throw the damn ball down field coach Davis!

I can honestly say that i liked the offensive play calls better last year. I know its only 1 game but i have a feeling Davis is going to continue to call 0-2 yards pass plays all year. I hope not. We just dont have the speed at the wr position to be effective with those play calls.

Give me a PA seam down the field with the 6ft 7 270 lb neanderthal Te Iowa has already! **** me!
That is what Greg Davis' offense is designed to do. He has a "horizontal" passing scheme. That is what the texa$$ fans were so upset about and why they wanted him gone.
it is a west coast style offense...short safe passes where the receiver can make a big play by making 1 guy miss. should we attck intermediate and long sometimes? yes but this style is what football has turned into in the pros. like it or not we will use it and once we get a rhythm with it i think it plays to our abilities better (imo).
You can tell me that Vandy only threw to his outlet man because he wasnt looking downfield. I say BS. A lot of those are designed screens and 2 yard out routes. The old saying "run North and South" should apply to the passing game aswell. Throw the damn ball down field coach Davis!

I can honestly say that i liked the offensive play calls better last year. I know its only 1 game but i have a feeling Davis is going to continue to call 0-2 yards pass plays all year. I hope not. We just dont have the speed at the wr position to be effective with those play calls.

Give me a PA seam down the field with the 6ft 7 270 lb neanderthal Te Iowa has already! **** me!

It seems at Texas (based on earlier discussions and video when he was hired) he had qbs throwing a lot of quick slants and longer fades with the occasional short passes in the flat.

From what I saw, NIUs dbacks were faster than the hawk receivers which made it tough in the longer routes to get open.

But I agree with you that we need to at least try to stretch the field.
Show me a team where this works consistently. Especially with the type of players Iowa typically gets under Ferentz.

Good luck with that.
I can remember playing Texas when he was their OC.

It was nauseating how they would throw that bubble screen over and over and over. Mostly because it was really effective. They put you to sleep doing that and then hit their big play superstar WR deep.

I dont know enough about Iowa's roster to know if it is stocked with shifty, scat back types who excel in catching these passes.
I can remember playing Texas when he was their OC.

It was nauseating how they would throw that bubble screen over and over and over. Mostly because it was really effective. They put you to sleep doing that and then hit their big play superstar WR deep.

I dont know enough about Iowa's roster to know if it is stocked with shifty, scat back types who excel in catching these passes.

We are not.
We throw the ball sideways cause that's GD's scheme. Deal with it. He ain't changing it for you.
Originally Posted by ajk4st8
I can remember playing Texas when he was their OC.

It was nauseating how they would throw that bubble screen over and over and over. Mostly because it was really effective. They put you to sleep doing that and then hit their big play superstar WR deep.

I dont know enough about Iowa's roster to know if it is stocked with shifty, scat back types who excel in catching these passes.

We are not.

Correct, we need some more speed at wide receiver especially to have separation during the catch. 2002 was a great example of CJ Jones and Mo Brown having size and speed or an Andy Brodell where you could throw a 5-7 yd hitch or out pattern and they could house it.
Ken Keefe. Not O'Keefe because he took the O out of offense.......

the new coordinators will be pure comedy on the hok boards. looks like it only took one game for hok fans to find their new whipping boy....

Some of you can really be ridiculous. Take a breathe and let's see how this plays out.
Nice chart. At least two of the potential receivers are supposed to read the defense, and adjust routes. I saw two downfield throws missed Saturday as the receivers misread the defense.

JVB might not have played very well, but he had no confidence that the receivers were going to the right spots. It's like golf, stress and lack of confidence tends to make one revert to old behaviors.

The sky is not falling yet. They'll get to see it on film all week long.
I would suggest identifying blitzes, picking up blitzers/rushers, and giving JVB time to toss the ball before we call out the OC for his "foo-ey" scheme.
I will say that all the WR/Jailbreak screens probably aren't going to be the meal ticket.
The 'ol Greg Davis East to West offense.
This is what im talking about. Stretch the field. Spread the defense out. Every team is going to put 8 in the box to stop the sideways plays. JVB should have had 300 yards plus against a Mac defense.
The 'ol Greg Davis East to West offense.
This is what im talking about. Stretch the field. Spread the defense out. Every team is going to put 8 in the box to stop the sideways plays. JVB should have had 300 yards plus against a Mac defense.

the theory is if you spread the field east and west you cant put 8 in the box and it opens up the run game.

wait...it did...guess it worked we just didnt break many tackles for big plays outside of the kd run.

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