Who's Next?


Well-Known Member
With now 4 in the fold for the 2012 class and 2 open rides left, I have to believe that Fran will use at least 1 more if not both for 2012 (depending on quality and position).

Who's our next verbal? Willit be for this class or next?
If one is not banked then it should be use on a JUCO PG. The other on a guy how can create space and play tough defence.
posted this earlier in anothe thread about Macon, ESPN just listed Macon as trimming his list to 4, Cinncinnati,Iowa,Pitt and USC, but supposedly Pitt is the odds on favorite to get him, i don't call that eliminating Iowa, also he is saying he is going to announce in the spring, so until he announces its anybodies guess, and with Woodbury commiting and a top 20 class who knows
posted this earlier in anothe thread about Macon, ESPN just listed Macon as trimming his list to 4, Cinncinnati,Iowa,Pitt and USC, but supposedly Pitt is the odds on favorite to get him, i don't call that eliminating Iowa, also he is saying he is going to announce in the spring, so until he announces its anybodies guess, and with Woodbury commiting and a top 20 class who knows

Somebody said that ESPN is behind, and that he eliminated us a few weeks ago after trimming his list.
Hold all open scholarships...unless Iowa targets a top player that has yet to commit that they have been recruiting. Elijah Macon fits the bill as mentioned. It looks like Jelon Hornbeak has eliminated Iowa, but what about now with the recent developments? How about seeing if Perry Ellis would be willing to step on campus and see if Iowa can get back in the mix there?
The other thing Iowa can do is really focus on the 2013 class and try and get very early commits out of some good players that they have offered. Yeah, adding another player in the 2012 class would be huge, but with what is coming and what will be back, the only position that could potentially be weak is depth behind Gesell.
said this in another thread, they have offered a 4* pg out of wisc, plus there is interest from 2 4* pts from Mich, and Jok is listed as a 4* sg on rivals they are defenitely working on some top talent and you can't land them if you don't have rides to give