Who's Going to the Exhibition Game?


Well-Known Member
My family and I will be there. I am hoping there will be a good sized crowd. I know it is just an exhibition game but the tickets are the right price to attract fans. I am super excited for the new beginning this year.

It would be great to see Hawkeye Nation there in force!

Go Hawks!
how much are tickets? how bout for young kids? thanks

My wife, 15 month old son, and I will be there! Very excited, I might add!

Tickets for adults were $5, and kids __ and under are free...unfortunately I don't remember what age fills in the blank.
My wife, 15 month old son, and I will be there! Very excited, I might add!

Tickets for adults were $5, and kids __ and under are free...unfortunately I don't remember what age fills in the blank.

I'll be there.

Tell me though......why in the world would you take a 15 month old to a sporting event?? He won't have a clue to what is going on. Hopefully when he starts caterwauling your wife takes him up to the concourse.
I'll be driving over from des moines with my wife and 6 yr old nephew. I'm trying to get my nephew hooked while young, haha.

This only my 2nd basketball game I've ever been too. Figured I'd get over and support the new coach. If we have a good time we might have to get to another game or two this season.

two quick questions for anyone,

I'm not familiar with how hard it is to get parking. I'm shooting for being there 1/2 hour before the game starts. Think I need to get there earlier or will parking not be an issue?

2nd question. can you carry in unopened bottled water? Since you can for football, I was hoping you could at basketball too.
I'll be there.

Tell me though......why in the world would you take a 15 month old to a sporting event?? He won't have a clue to what is going on. Hopefully when he starts caterwauling your wife takes him up to the concourse.

It's a family thing. Plus, he's a people watcher, so that should keep him occupied some of the time. But I certainly don't expect him to know what's going on, or even myself be able to watch the game 100%...and yet I'm still excited to take him to Carver for the first time.
It's a family thing. Plus, he's a people watcher, so that should keep him occupied some of the time. But I certainly don't expect him to know what's going on, or even myself be able to watch the game 100%...and yet I'm still excited to take him to Carver for the first time.

Hopefully a good time was had by all! Fortunately it was one of those games where you could just sit back and enjoy the show.

There was an infant 2 rows ahead of me who was as good as gold the entire game.
Hopefully a good time was had by all! Fortunately it was one of those games where you could just sit back and enjoy the show.

There was an infant 2 rows ahead of me who was as good as gold the entire game.

We had a great time! We were in section LL, row 17 I think...got him some popcorn, brought in some water for him. He people watched, as expected, and I caught him a few times watching the action on the floor. He got a little tired as the game wound down though, so we left with about 3:00 minutes left. But speaking for my family...we had fun!

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