Who else is interested in a Iowa city to Lincoln train ride?


Well-Known Member
I just got to thinking....

What if a bunch of us got on board the Hawkeye Express, and rode it all the way to Lincoln? Actually it could start in the QC and chuck all the way across the state. It could leave at 5 or 6 Friday night. Booze it up all the way across the state. Get hotel rooms for the game, come back on Saturday night.

I've taken the "Ski Train" out of Denver before, this would be one helluva party.
WOW what a great idea...I don't know if it's feasible but DANG

It's feasable. There is already an Amtrack rail that runs from Chicago to Denver. It passes through southcentral Iowa and runs right through Omaha and Lincoln.
That sounds cool as hell (and yes, a little dangerous)

Iowa City to Lincoln one year, Lincoln to ICity the next.
This is a helluva an idea Duff. I would be game for this as well, could you imagine the black and gold engine with Hawkeye Express pulling into Lincoln and thousands of people dressed in black and gold invade the city at the same time. They claim they take over stadiums, well what better way of showing them how Hawkeyenation can take over a whole damn town.
FWIW I just checked Amtrack online. There is a train that leaves around 6pm from Mount Pleasant and gets you to Lincoln by midnight. It runs on Friday and costs $58 bucks one way.

It would be way more fun if it were a charter just for the game but this still wouldn't be bad.
Love traveling by train. Back home in BFE kansas we have a station just a few blocks from the house, and it is a very relaxing way to head to Chi-Town. A charter train for Nebby/Iowa would be a way cool tradition to get started - and not just for football.
I just got to thinking....

What if a bunch of us got on board the Hawkeye Express, and rode it all the way to Lincoln? Actually it could start in the QC and chuck all the way across the state. It could leave at 5 or 6 Friday night. Booze it up all the way across the state. Get hotel rooms for the game, come back on Saturday night.

I've taken the "Ski Train" out of Denver before, this would be one helluva party.

You're hearby nominated as the leader of the "Hurtling Hawkeyes" pleasure cruise....(to be renamed on the way back as the "Hurting Hawkeyes")
I love the idea...however the current Hawkeye Express is really only comfortable enough for the ten minute ride to the stadium. You would definitely have to be intoxicated to stay on there for hours. For sure a regular Amtrak train would be awesome! One with a dining car and bar!

I wish there was a train from Rochester, MN to Iowa City cause that drive blows....but I make the trip out of love.

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