Who cares about A. Tucker?


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to be glib, but he's not very good. His arrests aren't a big deal, frankly (unless one was a DUI), and I don't think he should be kicked off the team, but he is a mediocre player at best.
I'd send him packing. Depending upon his attitude, I might help him land somewhere else but I would not let him back on the team.
Many folks care about Anthony.

As an Iowa fan, I do care about the well being of all Iowa athletes, both top athletes and underachievers. Whether or not Anthony is a good player has little impact on if I should care about him. I'd still have the same attitutde if it were Brommer.

Too not care is to treat these kids like Gladiators. Kind of like we don't care if they live or die just as long as they put on a good show.

That philosophy just doens't sit well with me.
Many folks care about Anthony.

As an Iowa fan, I do care about the well being of all Iowa athletes, both top athletes and underachievers. Whether or not Anthony is a good player has little impact on if I should care about him. I'd still have the same attitutde if it were Brommer.

Too not care is to treat these kids like Gladiators. Kind of like we don't care if they live or die just as long as they put on a good show.

That philosophy just doens't sit well with me.

Seriously? We (people wasting their time on message boards) don't "treat" these kids like anything? We follow the Iowa teams and players on tv and other media. Talking about living and dieing is a bit of a strange retort. The point made above is simply that I don't think he is very good and don't care if he returns to the team. Unlike, for example, Adrian Clayborn, who's court date is still coming up for this taxi driver incident.

Wasn't talking about his well being.
Many folks care about Anthony.

As an Iowa fan, I do care about the well being of all Iowa athletes, both top athletes and underachievers. Whether or not Anthony is a good player has little impact on if I should care about him. I'd still have the same attitutde if it were Brommer.

Too not care is to treat these kids like Gladiators. Kind of like we don't care if they live or die just as long as they put on a good show.

That philosophy just doens't sit well with me.

I think making the analogy to both gladiators and life and death is quite a bit of hyperbole. I understand the OP's sentiment very well. I don't know A. Tucker. He doesn't know me. If I were to die tomorrow, he wouldn't care. He wouldn't celebrate it, but he wouldn't care. Likewise with me to him. I honestly don't care if he wrecked his life or not. I am not rooting for it to happen, but it won't really effect me one way or another if he does.

I have learned that it is best to save your energy on the people you know and the people who care about you. Otherwise, you end up like those losers who arrange vigils outside of Micheal Jackson's house.
If he has a alchohol problem I hope he gets that under control. He is a young man and I would hate to see him struggle with that his whole life. Basketball is not important now if he has a drinking problem. If he does not have a drinking problem he needs to grow up and realize what he is throwing away. I am 35 and I still dream about what it would be like to play FB or BB at Iowa. Maybe on of my kids can, a guy can dream can't he?
Ghost has it right...

If Tucker wasn't playing BB for Iowa and was just another student, nobody would give him a second thought. Just because he plays BB for Iowa doesn't make him any beter IMO. The only reason most people on these boards care is because he plays bb for Iowa. Like Ghost said, if one of us were killed and he read about it in the paper, he wouldn't give it a second thought.

We just had a young lady that worked for us that was 20, going home after finals. She was killed by a drunk going the wrong way with his lights off in a head on collison. Now that was a tragedy, not Tucker getting kicked off the team for a public intox....

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