9000 tickets left is not pathetic. Besides this number will go down by the time the game rolls around. It's such a hassle to go to games. I would much rather be at home in front of my 60 inch, protected from the cold, having a better view than I would have from Kinnick, not having to fight the crowds, being able to watch all the good games that are on this weekend, being able to eat and drink whatever I want and not pay $7 for a beer, and being able to sleep in instead of driving 3 hours to watch Iowa play Purdon't at 11am on a Saturday.
-----Terrible voice for football
OMG, terrible voice in general is more like it....WNBA ready.
I wish there was a way to synch radio with TV. TV is always a step behind. I might just go old fashioned and listen.
Turn the TV down and tune in to the radio call.
Turn the TV down and tune in to the radio call.
9000 tickets left is not pathetic. Besides this number will go down by the time the game rolls around. It's such a hassle to go to games. I would much rather be at home in front of my 60 inch, protected from the cold, having a better view than I would have from Kinnick, not having to fight the crowds, being able to watch all the good games that are on this weekend, being able to eat and drink whatever I want and not pay $7 for a beer, and being able to sleep in instead of driving 3 hours to watch Iowa play Purdon't at 11am on a Saturday.
9000 tickets left is not pathetic. Besides this number will go down by the time the game rolls around. It's such a hassle to go to games. I would much rather be at home in front of my 60 inch, protected from the cold, having a better view than I would have from Kinnick, not having to fight the crowds, being able to watch all the good games that are on this weekend, being able to eat and drink whatever I want and not pay $7 for a beer, and being able to sleep in instead of driving 3 hours to watch Iowa play Purdon't at 11am on a Saturday.
9000 tickets left is not pathetic. Besides this number will go down by the time the game rolls around. It's such a hassle to go to games. I would much rather be at home in front of my 60 inch, protected from the cold, having a better view than I would have from Kinnick, not having to fight the crowds, being able to watch all the good games that are on this weekend, being able to eat and drink whatever I want and not pay $7 for a beer, and being able to sleep in instead of driving 3 hours to watch Iowa play Purdon't at 11am on a Saturday.
Honest question: Would you feel this way if you didn't have a 3-hour drive? What if you lived in IC?
I wish there was a way to synch radio with TV. TV is always a step behind. I might just go old fashioned and listen.