When Does USC Start Forfeiting Schollies?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if this has been covered before now, but exactly when does USC have to start giving up their 30 scholarships for the Reggie Bush scandal? According to Rivals they've oversigned a nice class of 30 for this year and despite sitting out one of their 2 years of bowl bans this past season, they have yet to do a thing about the scholarships. Is the NCAA going to turn a blind eye to the oversigning so USC can stockpile guys and not be effected by the scholarship limits?

If anyone has any insight on this, please post it. Thanks!
Thanks ISUhawk...I just find it odd that they're oversigning and have already sat out one of their bowl ban games...it's like the NCAA is letting them take their punishment incrementally so it doesn't hurt them, which goes against the entire thought of what a punishment is supposed to do.
they were going through an appeals process for the loss of schollies, that appeal was denied just a few weeks ago so that part of the punishment will begin with the 2012 recruiting class I believe
they were going through an appeals process for the loss of schollies, that appeal was denied just a few weeks ago so that part of the punishment will begin with the 2012 recruiting class I believe

Thanks, hawkfan...I knew they had their appeal denied, I guess I just figured since there was no chance of knocking it down to zero that they'd start at the same time as the bowl ban...it just surprised me to see them oversigning a class of 30.
Beginning next year & for the following two years, USC will have only 75 football scholarships. Also, because USC appealed the scholarship reductions, current juniors & seniors may transfer without sitting a year.

USC didn't care about the bowl ban. Therefore, the Trojans did not appeal the two-year bowl ban. However, the real punishment, the loss of thirty scholarships, was appealed.
Beginning next year & for the following two years, USC will have only 75 football scholarships. Also, because USC appealed the scholarship reductions, current juniors & seniors may transfer without sitting a year.

USC didn't care about the bowl ban. Therefore, the Trojans did not appeal the two-year bowl ban. However, the real punishment, the loss of thirty scholarships, was appealed.

Thanks, CH!

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