What were the best and worst moments of the season for you.


Well-Known Member
Best Game: Michigan.
Runner up:Senior day against Nebraska

Best Moment: Game ending field goal against Michigan. Also, Wadley's cuts in the Michigan game were amazing.
Runner Up: Back to back big offensive plays against Nebraska by Daniels and McCarron.

Worst Effort: Iowa had nothing for the Penn State Game. The team looked spent and unprepared for what Penn State had to throw at them. You can't just blame the lack or passing game and the team being on a low after the Wisconsin defeat. Ferentz just does not prepare the team well against unfamiliar teams, which in essence Penn State is since the two teams haven't met for a few years.

Hardest loss: Losing to Wisconsin in a competitive game.

Worst Moment: VandeBerg breaking his leg in practice before the Northwestern game.

Worst Moment on the field: Iowa's last offensive series in the North Dakota State game.
Runners up for worst moment: Daniels 63 yard run called back on a (legitimate) holding call at the start of the second half against NDSU.
Also; The penalty filled defensive series in the third quarter against Northwestern including an unsportsmanlike conduct against Jaleel Johnson that pretty much moved Northwestern to Iowa's side of the field. Big momentum changer there.
Ferentz is actually very good at preparing for unfamiliar teams. I simply don't understand that comment.

I disagree. The last half dozen years Iowa has had a lot of trouble with first time opponents. (or opponents who are playing under a new system.) They had trouble with Rutgers, NDSU, and Miami or Ohio. Penn State blew them out this year, Stanford last year, and Tennessee he year before. Maryland beat them the first time through in 2014. They had trouble with Ball State in 2014. They split with Northern Illinois in 2012-13. They lost to Central Michigan in 2012.

I understand that the coaching staff has less to work with than they did a decade ago. I also understand that Ferentz's and Davis's systems didn't mesh, and GD has had to adapt to the situation at hand. Since the staff turnover in 2012 they still have had way too much trouble with unfamiliar teems.
I disagree. The last half dozen years Iowa has had a lot of trouble with first time opponents. (or opponents who are playing under a new system.) They had trouble with Rutgers, NDSU, and Miami or Ohio. Penn State blew them out this year, Stanford last year, and Tennessee he year before. Maryland beat them the first time through in 2014. They had trouble with Ball State in 2014. They split with Northern Illinois in 2012-13. They lost to Central Michigan in 2012.

I understand that the coaching staff has less to work with than they did a decade ago. I also understand that Ferentz's and Davis's systems didn't mesh, and GD has had to adapt to the situation at hand. Since the staff turnover in 2012 they still have had way too much trouble with unfamiliar teems.

You are selecting the games that support your argument. What about Iowa's blow out of Iowa State this year, under the brilliant new coach Campbell? Wasn't it 42-3? Iowa had never played a Harbaugh team before this year. How did that turn out? Iowa had never played a team coached by Reilly when they played last year for the first time. How did that one turn out? How about Pitt last year with Narduzzi? The new coach at Illinois this year? WTF?
Best play of the year - Jaleel's safety. Turned the game/crowd around. Saved the season.

That truly was the beginning of the end for Michigan. It's unreal how one play can turn a game or a season around but it did. Thank you Jaleel!
You are selecting the games that support your argument. What about Iowa's blow out of Iowa State this year, under the brilliant new coach Campbell? Wasn't it 42-3? Iowa had never played a Harbaugh team before this year. How did that turn out? Iowa had never played a team coached by Reilly when they played last year for the first time. How did that one turn out? How about Pitt last year with Narduzzi? The new coach at Illinois this year? WTF?

Both Iowa State and Illinois had new coaches. I am not sure how much either system had changed but neither team had much time to successfully implement any changes at the time Iowa played either team. Iowa State seems to have had a little luck with their offense as the season went on. I'm not sure there is much to work with at Illinois right now.

Harbaugh has had Michigan up and running with his system pretty much from the get go. It's not unfamiliar territory for the Iowa staff though. Lots of Power-O and inside zone. Something there is already plenty of in the Big Ten. So I am not totally surprised Iowa was competitive. I was surprised be how competitive. Defense was lights out.
The NW loss was frustrating primarily because the refs absolutely jobbed us. It was the worst officiating since the infamous Outback Bowl against Florida. The NDSU loss was just awful and depressing because it was clear we were outplayed by a freaking FCS team.
agree with all above.

It was nice when Iowa's D showed up better (than previous games) against jNW and then came of age against Minny. It was awesome to see them rebound and play lights out against Michigan.

Just watching the offense sometimes was painful even in wins - Rutgers, Minny.

Watching the 2's against Purdue get roasted...but maybe that helped #12 and #5 be prepared for the UM Game.

I liked those white shoes in opening day, never saw them again...

The most fun games Iowa State, Michigan, Nebraska. I think I cheered more in those games than all of 2015

Didn't cheer but wasn't upset either - Rutgers, Minny,

I didn't expect much against Wisconsin...so they exceeded my expectations that day.