What is it about this team?


Well-Known Member
We all know that there is something special about this year’s Iowa Hawkeye football team. I gave some thought this afternoon as to exactly what it is and here are a few thoughts that came to me:

1. Want to win vs. refusal to lose:

Obviously, all teams want to win, although Illinois may have lost their want at this point. But there seems to be something about the 2009 Iowa football team that does not fall into the category of just wanting to win. There is an unsaid, although often shown, refusal to lose. How else do you explain blocking two field goals in A ROW to beat UNI? Not letting a pick six on the first drive of the game (MI) get you down? Not letting the other team’s scoring on their first play of the game (PSU) rattle you? Some may explain this away as good adjustments by the coaching staff, but Iowa has had the same coaching staff this year that they’ve had in past years that has been making adjustments in past years. Mr. Clayborn refuses to lose and plays like a man possessed when his team is down. This team acts as if they are excited, but not surprised when big things happen- they know they can do the things they do; instead acting like ‘Can you believe what just happened?!’

Will this refusal to lose mean Iowa does not lose a game this year? No. Does it mean that it’s already saved them from a few losses? A resounding YES.

2. Mutual admiration between Kirk Ferentz and the team:

On more than one occasion, players have voiced their sentiments for Coach Ferentz and Ferentz has done the same for this team. Last night Kirk’s voice began to get shaky and his eyes began to get teary when talking about the team. Yes, we have seen him get emotional before, but usually because of an event outside of the program, like his father’s death. There is something special going on within the chemistry of this team and within its relationship with the coach.

This is one special season that we as Hawkeye fans are witnessing. Even if Iowa loses at Ohio State and loses one home game, how many times in our lives as fans have we seen something this special with an Iowa team at this point in the season? The answer is easy: NEVER. So let’s take it all in and enjoy every minute of it. This may not be the most talented Iowa football team that I’ve enjoyed in my lifetime, but it certainly is the best. GO HAWKS!

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