What is going on at Rutgers?


Well-Known Member
They can't get anything right. First, Mike Rice. The the Eddie Jordan resume issue. Now, there's a new set of scandals involving their newly hired AD. They have serious issue, and I can only imagine Big Ten administrators are second guessing themselves for bringing this athletic department in. Hopefully it works long-term, but it looks like a big mistake in the short-term.

Rutgers' new athletic director faces fresh questions about her past | NJ.com
well, seeing as how it looks like we only brought them on for where they're located, i don't think Delany would do it differently. but it sure makes me think "didn't they at least do some vetting here?"
The fact that she denies even remembering that happening is reason enough to remove her immediately. Really? You don't remember a court awarding your former assistant coach $150,000 for firing her because she was pregnant? You don't remember your ENTIRE volleyball team submitting formal complaints against you? It's one thing for her to tell a different story, but to claim she doesn't remember that is ridiculous.
This is a huge mess for Rutgers right now with shots coming from all sides. It just doesn't look right for a university athletic department seeking to overcome a major scandal also involving verbal and physical abuse of athletes. In addition to some calls from legislators for action, there is major behind-the-scenes pressure to force Hermann to resign a position she hasn't even yet formally begun as well as to force the resignation of the university president, who has been on the job a year. Some deep-pocket donors and alumni are still embarrassed by the Mike Rice scandal and the way it was handled, and are not yet back in the picture. This is only making matters worse. However, Hermann has prominent supporters, including the co-chair of the selection committee and members of the university's LGBT community.

It could get very ugly.
There has to be 2 schools we can trade Pedo St. and Rutgers for. Maybe we can just stop Rutgers from entering and replace the pedos with Maryland?
There has to be 2 schools we can trade Pedo St. and Rutgers for. Maybe we can just stop Rutgers from entering and replace the pedos with Maryland?

This is a real fear -- in my view unrealistic, but what the hell do I know -- by Rutgers faithful in New Jersey. The Rutgers to the B1G train is well on its way to the station and it would take a pretty huge scandal to derail it; Julie Hermann is not that. The conference didn't boot Pedo State over Jerry Sandusky and his iconic enabler, after all. However, I would not expect Hermann to last through this weekend. The university president also may be on his way out.

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from what i hear, the only thing keeping the president there is a huge merger going down right now with Rutgers and the state's medical school. i guess he's a big part of it.
from what i hear, the only thing keeping the president there is a huge merger going down right now with Rutgers and the state's medical school. i guess he's a big part of it.

That's correct. The guy was brought in with a background in medical education with the idea he would lead the merger. But some key people at the NJ statehouse are starting to whisper that they now don't see the merger happening, which raises some question about Barchi's future. Also, his experience prior to Rutgers was at much smaller schools with no athletic department. There's a growing feeling he's in over his head.

Meanwhile, ESPN has obtained emails from members of the search committee expressing concerns about the process. One is from a prominent member of the Rutgers board.

Rutgers emails critical of Julie Hermann process - ESPN New York
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